"RFID_Error_AlreadyDone" = "RFID: Requested operation is already done"; "RFID_Error_Busy" = "RFID: RFID is Busy"; "RFID_Error_Failed" = "RFID: Failed"; "RFID_Error_FileIOError" = "RFID File: IO Error"; "RFID_Error_InvalidDirectory" = "RFID: Invalid directory"; "RFID_Error_InvalidParameter" = "RFID: Invalid parameter in ExecuteCommand() call found"; "RFID_Error_NoChipDetected" = "RFID: No chip is detected"; "RFID_Error_NotAvailable" = "RFID: Unavailable"; "RFID_Error_NotEnoughMemory" = "RFID: Out of memory"; "RFID_Error_NotInitialized" = "RFID: Device is uninitialized"; "RFID_Error_NotPerformed" = "RFID: Not Performed"; "RFID_Error_OldFirmware" = "RFID: Firmware need to be updated with newer version"; "RFID_Error_PCSC_CantConnectCard" = "PCSC: Card cannot be connected"; "RFID_Error_PCSC_CardIsBusy" = "PCSC: Card Is Busy"; "RFID_Error_PCSC_CardIsNotConnected" = "PCSC: Card is not connected"; "RFID_Error_PCSC_ExtLe_Failed" = "PCSC: ExtLe Failed"; "RFID_Error_PCSC_Failed" = "PCSC: Failed"; "RFID_Error_PCSC_FailedSCard" = "PCSC: Failed Smart Card"; "RFID_Error_PCSC_OperationCancelled" = "PCSC: Operation is cancelled"; "RFID_Error_PCSC_ReaderNotAvailable" = "PCSC: Reader is unavailable"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessControl_AA_Failed" = "RFID: AA Failed"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessControl_CA_Failed" = "RFID: CA Failed"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessControl_IncorrectOptionCA" = "RFID: Incorrect Option CA"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessControl_RI_Failed" = "RFID: RI Failed"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessControl_RequiresCA" = "RFID: Requires CA"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessControl_RequiresCAKeys" = "RFID: Requires CA Keys"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessControl_RequiresPACE" = "RFID: Requires PACE"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessControl_RequiresSM" = "RFID: Requires SM"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessControl_RequiresTA" = "RFID: Requires TA"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessControl_TA_Failed" = "RFID: TA Failed"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessControl_UnknownType" = "RFID: Access Control UnknownType"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessKey_IncorrectData" = "RFID: Access Key Incorrect Data"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessKey_IncorrectSMType" = "RFID: Access Key Incorrect SM Type"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessKey_NotSet" = "RFID: Access Key Not Set"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessKey_Restricted" = "RFID: Access Key Restricted"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessKey_UnknownType" = "RFID: Access Key Unknown Type"; "RFID_Error_Session_AccessKey_UnsupportedSMType" = "RFID: Access Key Unsupported SM Type"; "RFID_Error_Session_File_AccessDenied" = "RFID File: Access Denied"; "RFID_Error_Session_File_CantReadData" = "RFID File: Cannot Read Data"; "RFID_Error_Session_File_CantUseData" = "RFID File: Cannot Use Data"; "RFID_Error_Session_File_Contents_UnexpectedData" = "RFID File: Contents Unexpected Data"; "RFID_Error_Session_File_IncorrectData" = "RFID File: Incorrect Data"; "RFID_Error_Session_File_NotEnoughData" = "RFID File: Not Enough Data"; "RFID_Error_Session_File_UnexpectedData" = "RFID File: Unexpected Data"; "RFID_Error_Session_File_WrongTag" = "RFID File: Wrong Tag"; "RFID_Error_Session_IncorrectData" = "RFID: Incorrect data"; "RFID_Error_Session_InvalidAuxData_CommunityID" = "RFID: Invalid Aux Data Community ID"; "RFID_Error_Session_InvalidAuxData_DateOfBirth" = "RFID: Invalid Aux Data Date Of Birth"; "RFID_Error_Session_InvalidAuxData_DateOfExpiry" = "RFID: Invalid Aux Data Date Of Expiry"; "RFID_Error_Session_IsClosed" = "RFID: Session Is Closed"; "RFID_Error_Session_PA_HashCheckFailed" = "RFID: Hash Check Failed"; "RFID_Error_Session_PA_SignatureCheckFailed" = "RFID: SO Signature Check Failed"; "RFID_Error_Session_ProcedureType_NotSet" = "RFID: Procedure Type Not Set"; "RFID_Error_Session_ProcedureType_Unknown" = "RFID: Procedure Type Unknown"; "RFID_Error_Session_ProcedureType_Unsupported" = "RFID: Procedure Type Unsupported"; "RFID_Error_Session_PwdManagement_NotAuthorized" = "RFID: Pwd Management Not Authorized"; "RFID_Error_Session_TerminalType_BadCertificate" = "RFID: Terminal Type Bad Certificate"; "RFID_Error_Session_TerminalType_NotSet" = "RFID: Terminal Type Not Set"; "RFID_Error_Session_TerminalType_Unknown" = "RFID: Terminal Type Unknown"; "RFID_Error_Session_Terminal_UnsupportedOperation" = "RFID: Terminal Unsupported Operation"; "RFID_Error_Session_eSign_PIN_NotSet" = "RFID: eSign PIN Not Set"; "RFID_Error_Session_eSign_PIN_NotVerified" = "RFID: eSign PIN Not Verified"; "RFID_Error_Session_eSign_RequiresAppSelection" = "RFID: eSign Requires App Selection"; "RFID_Error_UnknownCommand" = "RFID: Unknown command"; "RFID_LAYER6_APP_SELECTION_FAILURE" = "LAYER6: ISO7816_A_03 \"Application selection failure\""; "RFID_LAYER6_EXT_AUTH_FAILURE" = "LAYER6: APDU_INS_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATE (External Authentication) failure"; "RFID_LAYER6_FILE_EOF1" = "LAYER6: Reading beyond EOF / Unexpected EOF"; "RFID_LAYER6_FILE_EOF2" = "LAYER6: Reading beyond EOF / Unexpected EOF"; "RFID_LAYER6_FILE_NOT_FOUND" = "LAYER6: File selection failure / file not found"; "RFID_LAYER6_GENERAL_AUTH_FAILURE" = "LAYER6: General Authenticity Failure"; "RFID_LAYER6_GET_CHALLENGE_FAILURE" = "LAYER6: GET CHALLENGE failure"; "RFID_LAYER6_INCORRECT_PARAMS" = "LAYER6: Incorrect Params"; "RFID_LAYER6_INT_AUTH_FAILURE" = "LAYER6: APDU_INS_INTERNAL_AUTHENTICATE failure"; "RFID_LAYER6_MSE_SET_AT_FAILURE" = "LAYER6: MSE:Set AT failure"; "RFID_LAYER6_MSE_SET_DST_FAILURE" = "LAYER6: MSE:Set DST failure"; "RFID_LAYER6_MSE_SET_KAT_FAILURE" = "LAYER6: MSE:Set KAT failure"; "RFID_LAYER6_MUTUAL_AUTH_ENC_FAIL" = "LAYER6: ISO7816_B_02 \"Mutual authentication encryption failure\""; "RFID_LAYER6_MUTUAL_AUTH_FAILURE" = "LAYER6: ISO7816_B_03 \"Mutual authentication failure\""; "RFID_LAYER6_MUTUAL_AUTH_MAC_FAIL" = "LAYER6: ISO7816_B_01 \"Mutual authentication MAC failure\""; "RFID_LAYER6_NON_TLV_RESPONSE_DATA" = "LAYER6: Not TLV response data"; "RFID_LAYER6_NO_REFERENCE_DATA" = "LAYER6: No Reference Data"; "RFID_LAYER6_PSO_CERTIFICATE_FAILURE" = "LAYER6: PSO CERTIFICATE failure"; "RFID_LAYER6_PWD_BLOCKED" = "LAYER6: PWD Blocked"; "RFID_LAYER6_PWD_BLOCKED_2" = "LAYER6: PWD Blocked 2"; "RFID_LAYER6_PWD_DEACTIVATED" = "LAYER6: PWD Deactivatted"; "RFID_LAYER6_PWD_DEACTIVATED_2" = "LAYER6: PWD Deactivated 2"; "RFID_LAYER6_PWD_FAILED" = "LAYER6: PWD Failed"; "RFID_LAYER6_PWD_SUSPENDED" = "LAYER6: PWD Suspended"; "RFID_LAYER6_PWD_SUSPENDED_2" = "LAYER6: PWD Suspended 2"; "RFID_LAYER6_SECURITY_MANAGER" = "LAYER6: Secure Messaging was not activated"; "RFID_LAYER6_SM_DO87_INCORRECT" = "LAYER6: SM failure – incorrect cryptogram"; "RFID_LAYER6_SM_DO87_MISSING" = "LAYER6: SM failure – cryptogram missing"; "RFID_LAYER6_SM_DO8E_MISSING" = "LAYER6: SM failure – MAC missing"; "RFID_LAYER6_SM_DO99_MISSING" = "LAYER6: SM failure – secured status bytes missing"; "RFID_LAYER6_SM_MAC_INCORRECT" = "LAYER6: SM failure – incorrect MAC"; "RFID_LAYER6_WRONG_RND_ICC_LENGTH" = "LAYER6: Wrong data length (APDU_INS_GET_CHALLENGE)"; "RSDT_RFID_READING_FINISHED" = "RFID data reading is finished"; "TCT_Unknown" = "Unknown"; "chd_BackgroundComparisonError" = "Brightness of the two pages is different"; "chd_BadAreaInAxial" = "Retroreflective protection failure"; "chd_BarcodeDataFormatError" = "Barcode format error"; "chd_BarcodeReadedWithErrors" = "Barcode has been read with errors"; "chd_BarcodeSizeParamsError" = "Barcode parameters error"; "chd_DocumentIsCancelling" = "Document is cancelled"; "chd_ElementShouldBeColored" = "Element should be colored"; "chd_ElementShouldBeGrayscale" = "Element should be grayscale"; "chd_ExceptionInModule" = "Intercepted exception"; "chd_FalseIPIParameters" = "False IPI parameters"; "chd_FalseLuminiscenceError" = "Presence of excess luminescent objects"; "chd_FalseLuminiscenceInBlank" = "Fake luminescence in UV"; "chd_FalseLuminiscenceInMRZ" = "Excessive luminescence in MRZ"; "chd_FibersNotFound" = "Fibers are not found"; "chd_FieldPosCorrector_Highlight_IR" = "Excessive light in IR"; "chd_FieldsComparisonLogicError" = "Logical error when comparing fields"; "chd_FixedPatternError" = "Specified object noncoincidence"; "chd_HologramElementAbsent" = "Hologram is absent"; "chd_HologramElementPresent" = "Hologram found"; "chd_Hologram_Side_Top_Images_Absent" = "No side or top images"; "chd_IncorrectBackgroundLight" = "Incorrect background brightness"; "chd_IncorrectTextColor" = "Incorrect text color"; "chd_InternalError" = "Error of internal data processing"; "chd_InvalidChecksum" = "Invalid checksum"; "chd_InvalidFieldFormat" = "The format of the field does not match the description of the document"; "chd_InvalidInputData" = "Invalid input data"; "chd_InvisibleElementPresent" = "Object must be invisible"; "chd_LogicError" = "Logical data error"; "chd_LowContrastInIRLight" = "Incorrect object contrast in IR light"; "chd_MobileImages_LowLightConditions" = "Inappropriate light conditions for capturing images"; "chd_MobileImages_WhileUVNoDifference" = "Low difference between images in different illumination schemes"; "chd_NecessaryImageNotFound" = "The image required for this check is missing"; "chd_NotAllBarcodesRead" = "This document should contain more barcodes"; "chd_OVI_BadColor_Front" = "OVI object color mismatch under white light"; "chd_OVI_BadColor_Percent" = "Low percentage of coincidence between the OVI elements"; "chd_OVI_BadColor_Side" = "OVI object color mismatch under axial light"; "chd_OVI_ColorInvariable" = "OVI color invariable"; "chd_OVI_IR_Invisible" = "OVI object contrast mismatch"; "chd_OVI_InsufficientArea" = "Insufficient area of OVI object"; "chd_OVI_Wide_Color_Spread" = "OVI object color range mismatch"; "chd_Pass" = "No errors"; "chd_PhotoFalseLuminiscence" = "False luminescence in the photo area"; "chd_PhotoPattern_DifferentColors" = "Colors of the pattern on the photo and on the blank are different"; "chd_PhotoPattern_DifferentLinesThickness" = "Different thickness of the pattern lines"; "chd_PhotoPattern_IR_Visible" = "Security pattern visible in IR"; "chd_PhotoPattern_Interrupted" = "The pattern between the photo and the blank has a break"; "chd_PhotoPattern_InvalidColor" = "Invalid color of the security pattern"; "chd_PhotoPattern_Not_Intersect" = "The edge of the photo does not intersect with the pattern"; "chd_PhotoPattern_PatternNotFound" = "Pattern was not found in the photo area"; "chd_PhotoPattern_Shifted" = "The pattern on the photo is shifted relative to the pattern on the blank"; "chd_PhotoPattern_Shifted_Vert" = "Pattern lines are vertically shifted relative to each other"; "chd_PhotoSidesNotFound" = "The required photo border was not found"; "chd_PhotoSize_Is_Wrong" = "Photo size is incorrect"; "chd_Photo_Corners_Is_Wrong" = "The corners of the photo do not meet the requirements"; "chd_Photo_IsNot_Rectangle" = "The shape of the photo is not rectangular"; "chd_PortraitComparison_NoLivePhoto" = "There is no camera image"; "chd_PortraitComparison_NoPortraitDetected" = "No face found in the image"; "chd_PortraitComparison_NoServiceLicense" = "There is no license for the service"; "chd_PortraitComparison_NoServiceReply" = "The service does not respond"; "chd_PortraitComparison_NotEnoughImages" = "Not enough images"; "chd_PortraitComparison_PortraitsDiffer" = "The portraits do not match"; "chd_PortraitComparison_ServiceError" = "Service error"; "chd_SourcesComparisonError" = "Noncoincidence of data from different sources"; "chd_SpecksInUV" = "Overexposure or glares in the image under UV light"; "chd_SyntaxError" = "Data syntax error"; "chd_TextColorShouldBeBlue" = "Text color should be blue"; "chd_TextColorShouldBeGreen" = "Text color should be green"; "chd_TextColorShouldBeRed" = "Text color should be red"; "chd_TextShouldBeBlack" = "Text color should be black"; "chd_TooLowResolution" = "Too low resolution to detect fibers"; "chd_TooManyObjects" = "Too many objects"; "chd_TooMuchShift" = "The shift value is greater than the allowed value"; "chd_TrueLuminiscenceError" = "Noncoincidence of luminescent objects"; "chd_UVDullPaperError" = "UV dull paper check error"; "chd_UVDullPaper_Blank" = "UV dull paper check in the area of the blank"; "chd_UVDullPaper_MRZ" = "UV dull paper check in the MRZ area"; "chd_UVDullPaper_Photo" = "UV dull paper check in the photo area"; "chd_UncertainVerification" = "Reliable decision cannot be made"; "chd_Unknown" = "Unknown denial"; "chd_VisibleElementAbsent" = "No visible object under IR"; "strAGY" = "AGY"; "strAKADateofBirth" = "AKA Date of birth"; "strAKAGivenNames" = "AKA Given name"; "strAKANamePrefix" = "AKA Name prefix"; "strAKANameSuffix" = "AKA Name suffix"; "strAKASocialSecurityNumber" = "AKA Social Insurance Number"; "strAKASurname" = "AKA Surname"; "strAKASurnameAndGivenNames" = "AKA Full name"; "strALTCode" = "ALT code"; "strAcademicTitle" = "Academic title"; "strAccessibilityCameraButton" = "Capture an image and start processing"; "strAccessibilityCloseButton" = "Close"; "strAccessibilityTorchButton" = "Torch"; "strAccompaniedby" = "Accompanied by"; "strAddress" = "Address"; "strAddressArea" = "Area"; "strAddressBuilding" = "Unit"; "strAddressCity" = "City"; "strAddressCountry" = "Country"; "strAddressFlat" = "Apartment"; "strAddressHouse" = "Building"; "strAddressJurisdictionCode" = "Jurisdiction code"; "strAddressLocation" = "Location"; "strAddressMunicipality" = "Municipality"; "strAddressPostalCode" = "Postal code"; "strAddressState" = "State"; "strAddressStreet" = "Street"; "strAdministrativeNumber" = "Administrative number"; "strAge" = "Age"; "strAgeAtIssue" = "Age at issue"; "strAirlineDesignatorofboardingpassissuer" = "Airline designator of boarding pass issuer"; "strAirlineName" = "Airline name"; "strAirlineNameFrequentFlyer" = "Airline loyalty program for frequent flyers"; "strAirlineNumericCode" = "Airline numeric code"; "strAirportFrom" = "Airport of departure"; "strAirportTo" = "Airport of arrival"; "strAllergies" = "Allergies"; "strApplicationDoNotHavePermission" = "The application doesn't have permission to use the camera, please change the privacy settings"; "strApplicationNumber" = "Application number"; "strArtisticName" = "Pseudonym"; "strAuditInformation" = "Number for validation"; "strAuthentification" = "Authenticity verification"; "strAuthority" = "Issuing authority"; "strAuthorityCode" = "Issuing authority code"; "strAuthorityRUS" = "Issuing authority (National)"; "strAuthorizationNumber" = "Authorization number"; "strAxialProtection" = "Retroreflective protection"; "strBDBType" = "BDB type"; "strBankCardNumber" = "Bank card number"; "strBankCardValidThru" = "Bank card validity"; "strBanknoteNumber" = "Banknote number"; "strBarcode" = "Barcode"; "strBarcodeFormatCheck" = "Barcode format check"; "strBenefitsNumber" = "Benefits number"; "strBinaryCode" = "Binary code"; "strBiometricFormatOwner" = "Biometric format owner"; "strBiometricFormatType" = "Biometric format type"; "strBiometricProductID" = "Biometric product ID"; "strBiometricSubtype" = "Biometric subtype"; "strBiometricType" = "Biometric type"; "strBlankElement" = "Blank element"; "strBloodGroup" = "Blood group"; "strBookletNumber" = "Booklet number"; "strCCWUntil" = "CCW until"; "strCDLClass" = "CDL Class"; "strCSCCode" = "CSC Code"; "strCVV" = "CVV/CVC"; "strCaliber" = "Caliber"; "strCameraUnavailable" = "Camera unavailable"; "strCardAccessNumber" = "Card access number"; "strCategory" = "Category"; "strCenturyDateOfBirth" = "Century of birth"; "strChassisNumber" = "Chassis number"; "strCheckInSequenceNumber" = "Check-in sequence number"; "strChildren" = "Children"; "strCitizenshipOfFirstPerson" = "Citizenship of the first person"; "strCitizenshipOfSecondPerson" = "Citizenship of the second person"; "strCivilStatus" = "Civil status"; "strColorDynamic" = "Color dynamics"; "strCommercialVehicleCodes" = "Commercial vehicle code"; "strCompanyName" = "Company name"; "strCompartmentCode" = "Compartment code"; "strComplexion" = "Complexion"; "strComplianceType" = "Compliance type"; "strConditions" = "Conditions"; "strConfiguration" = "Configuration"; "strControlNo" = "Control number"; "strCopy" = "Copy"; "strCourtCode" = "Court code"; "strCty" = "County"; "strCurrentDate" = "Current date"; "strCustodyInfo" = "Custody info"; "strDFTAppDirectory" = "App directory"; "strDFTCertificate" = "Certificate"; "strDG1" = "Machine Readable Zone (DG1)"; "strDG10" = "not defined (DG10)"; "strDG11" = "Additional personal detail(s) (DG11)"; "strDG12" = "Additional document details (DG12)"; "strDG13" = "Optional detail(s) (DG13)"; "strDG14" = "EAC info (DG14)"; "strDG15" = "Active Authentication info (DG15)"; "strDG16" = "Person(s) to notify (DG16)"; "strDG17" = "DG17"; "strDG18" = "DG18"; "strDG19" = "DG19"; "strDG2" = "Biometry - Facial data (DG2)"; "strDG20" = "DG20"; "strDG3" = "Biometry - Fingerprint(s) (DG3)"; "strDG4" = "Biometry - Iris Data (DG4)"; "strDG5" = "Portrait(s) (DG5)"; "strDG6" = "not defined (DG6)"; "strDG7" = "Signature / usual mark image (DG7)"; "strDG8" = "not defined (DG8)"; "strDG9" = "not defined (DG9)"; "strDLCDLRestrictionCode" = "CDL Restriction Code"; "strDLClass" = "DL category"; "strDLClassCodeA1From" = "DL category A1 valid from"; "strDLClassCodeA1Notes" = "DL category A1 codes"; "strDLClassCodeA1To" = "DL category A1 valid to"; "strDLClassCodeA2From" = "DL category A2 valid from"; "strDLClassCodeA2Notes" = "DL category A2 codes"; "strDLClassCodeA2To" = "DL category A2 valid to"; "strDLClassCodeA3From" = "DL category A3 valid from"; "strDLClassCodeA3Notes" = "DL category A3 codes"; "strDLClassCodeA3To" = "DL category A3 valid to"; "strDLClassCodeAFrom" = "DL category A valid from"; "strDLClassCodeAMFrom" = "DL category AM valid from"; "strDLClassCodeAMNotes" = "DL category AM codes"; "strDLClassCodeAMTo" = "DL category AM valid to"; "strDLClassCodeANotes" = "DL category A codes"; "strDLClassCodeATo" = "DL category A valid to"; "strDLClassCodeB1From" = "DL category B1 valid from"; "strDLClassCodeB1Notes" = "DL category B1 codes"; "strDLClassCodeB1To" = "DL category B1 valid to"; "strDLClassCodeB2EFrom" = "DL category B2E valid from"; "strDLClassCodeB2ENotes" = "DL category B2E codes"; "strDLClassCodeB2ETo" = "DL category B2E valid to"; "strDLClassCodeB2From" = "DL category B2 valid from"; "strDLClassCodeB2Notes" = "DL category B2 codes"; "strDLClassCodeB2To" = "DL category B2 valid to"; "strDLClassCodeBEFrom" = "DL category BE valid from"; "strDLClassCodeBENotes" = "DL category BE codes"; "strDLClassCodeBETo" = "DL category BE valid to"; "strDLClassCodeBFrom" = "DL category B valid from"; "strDLClassCodeBNotes" = "DL category B codes"; "strDLClassCodeBTPFrom" = "DL category BTP valid from"; "strDLClassCodeBTPNotes" = "DL category BTP codes"; "strDLClassCodeBTPTo" = "DL category BTP valid to"; "strDLClassCodeBTo" = "DL category B valid to"; "strDLClassCodeC1EFrom" = "DL category C1E valid from"; "strDLClassCodeC1ENotes" = "DL category C1E codes"; "strDLClassCodeC1ETo" = "DL category C1E valid to"; "strDLClassCodeC1From" = "DL category C1 valid from"; "strDLClassCodeC1Notes" = "DL category C1 codes"; "strDLClassCodeC1To" = "DL category C1 valid to"; "strDLClassCodeC2From" = "DL category C2 valid from"; "strDLClassCodeC2Notes" = "DL category C2 codes"; "strDLClassCodeC2To" = "DL category C2 valid to"; "strDLClassCodeC3From" = "DL category C3 valid from"; "strDLClassCodeC3Notes" = "DL category C3 codes"; "strDLClassCodeC3To" = "DL category C3 valid to"; "strDLClassCodeCAFrom" = "DL category CA valid from"; "strDLClassCodeCANotes" = "DL category CA codes"; "strDLClassCodeCATo" = "DL category CA valid to"; "strDLClassCodeCEFrom" = "DL category CE valid from"; "strDLClassCodeCENotes" = "DL category CE codes"; "strDLClassCodeCETo" = "DL category CE valid to"; "strDLClassCodeCFrom" = "DL category C valid from"; "strDLClassCodeCNotes" = "DL category C codes"; "strDLClassCodeCTo" = "DL category C valid to"; "strDLClassCodeD1EFrom" = "DL category D1E valid from"; "strDLClassCodeD1ENotes" = "DL category D1E codes"; "strDLClassCodeD1ETo" = "DL category D1E valid to"; "strDLClassCodeD1From" = "DL category D1 valid from"; "strDLClassCodeD1Notes" = "DL category D1 codes"; "strDLClassCodeD1To" = "DL category D1 valid to"; "strDLClassCodeD2From" = "DL category D2 valid from"; "strDLClassCodeD2Notes" = "DL category D2 codes"; "strDLClassCodeD2To" = "DL category D2 valid to"; "strDLClassCodeDEFrom" = "DL category DE valid from"; "strDLClassCodeDENotes" = "DL category DE codes"; "strDLClassCodeDETo" = "DL category DE valid to"; "strDLClassCodeDFrom" = "DL category D valid from"; "strDLClassCodeDNotes" = "DL category D codes"; "strDLClassCodeDTo" = "DL category D valid to"; "strDLClassCodeEFrom" = "DL category E valid from"; "strDLClassCodeENotes" = "DL category E codes"; "strDLClassCodeETo" = "DL category E valid to"; "strDLClassCodeFA1From" = "DL category FA1 valid from"; "strDLClassCodeFA1Notes" = "DL category FA1 codes"; "strDLClassCodeFA1To" = "DL category FA1 valid to"; "strDLClassCodeFAFrom" = "DL category FA valid from"; "strDLClassCodeFANotes" = "DL category FA codes"; "strDLClassCodeFATo" = "DL category FA valid to"; "strDLClassCodeFBFrom" = "DL category FB valid from"; "strDLClassCodeFBNotes" = "DL category FB codes"; "strDLClassCodeFBTo" = "DL category FB valid to"; "strDLClassCodeFFrom" = "DL category F valid from"; "strDLClassCodeFNotes" = "DL category F codes"; "strDLClassCodeFTo" = "DL category F valid to"; "strDLClassCodeG1From" = "DL category G1 valid from"; "strDLClassCodeG1Notes" = "DL category G1 codes"; "strDLClassCodeG1To" = "DL category G1 valid to"; "strDLClassCodeGFrom" = "DL category G valid from"; "strDLClassCodeGNotes" = "DL category G codes"; "strDLClassCodeGTo" = "DL category G valid to"; "strDLClassCodeHCFrom" = "DL category HC valid from"; "strDLClassCodeHCNotes" = "DL category HC codes"; "strDLClassCodeHCTo" = "DL category HC valid to"; "strDLClassCodeHFrom" = "DL category H valid from"; "strDLClassCodeHNotes" = "DL category H codes"; "strDLClassCodeHRFrom" = "DL category HR valid from"; "strDLClassCodeHRNotes" = "DL category HR codes"; "strDLClassCodeHRTo" = "DL category HR valid to"; "strDLClassCodeHTo" = "DL category H valid to"; "strDLClassCodeIFrom" = "DL category I valid from"; "strDLClassCodeINotes" = "DL category I codes"; "strDLClassCodeITo" = "DL category I valid to"; "strDLClassCodeJFrom" = "DL category J valid from"; "strDLClassCodeJNotes" = "DL category J codes"; "strDLClassCodeJTo" = "DL category J valid to"; "strDLClassCodeKFrom" = "DL category K valid from"; "strDLClassCodeKNotes" = "DL category K codes"; "strDLClassCodeKTo" = "DL category K valid to"; "strDLClassCodeLCFrom" = "DL category LC valid from"; "strDLClassCodeLCNotes" = "DL category LC codes"; "strDLClassCodeLCTo" = "DL category LC valid to"; "strDLClassCodeLFrom" = "DL category L valid from"; "strDLClassCodeLKFrom" = "DL category LK valid from"; "strDLClassCodeLKNotes" = "DL category LK codes"; "strDLClassCodeLKTo" = "DL category LK valid to"; "strDLClassCodeLNotes" = "DL category L codes"; "strDLClassCodeLRFrom" = "DL category LR valid from"; "strDLClassCodeLRNotes" = "DL category LR codes"; "strDLClassCodeLRTo" = "DL category LR valid to"; "strDLClassCodeLTo" = "DL category L valid to"; "strDLClassCodeMCFrom" = "DL category MC valid from"; "strDLClassCodeMCNotes" = "DL category MC codes"; "strDLClassCodeMCTo" = "DL category MC valid to"; "strDLClassCodeMFrom" = "DL category M valid from"; "strDLClassCodeMNotes" = "DL category M codes"; "strDLClassCodeMRFrom" = "DL category MR valid from"; "strDLClassCodeMRNotes" = "DL category MR codes"; "strDLClassCodeMRTo" = "DL category MR valid to"; "strDLClassCodeMTo" = "DL category M valid to"; "strDLClassCodeNFrom" = "DL category N valid from"; "strDLClassCodeNNotes" = "DL category N codes"; "strDLClassCodeNTo" = "DL category N valid to"; "strDLClassCodeREFrom" = "DL category RE valid from"; "strDLClassCodeRENotes" = "DL category RE codes"; "strDLClassCodeRETo" = "DL category RE valid to"; "strDLClassCodeRFrom" = "DL category R valid from"; "strDLClassCodeRNotes" = "DL category R codes"; "strDLClassCodeRTo" = "DL category R valid to"; "strDLClassCodeSFrom" = "DL category S valid from"; "strDLClassCodeSNotes" = "DL category S codes"; "strDLClassCodeSTo" = "DL category S valid to"; "strDLClassCodeTBFrom" = "DL category TB valid from"; "strDLClassCodeTBNotes" = "DL category TB codes"; "strDLClassCodeTBTo" = "DL category TB valid to"; "strDLClassCodeTFrom" = "DL category T valid from"; "strDLClassCodeTMFrom" = "DL category TM valid from"; "strDLClassCodeTMNotes" = "DL category TM codes"; "strDLClassCodeTMTo" = "DL category TM valid to"; "strDLClassCodeTNotes" = "DL category T codes"; "strDLClassCodeTRFrom" = "DL category TR valid from"; "strDLClassCodeTRNotes" = "DL category TR codes"; "strDLClassCodeTRTo" = "DL category TR valid to"; "strDLClassCodeTTo" = "DL category T valid to"; "strDLClassCodeTVFrom" = "DL category TV valid from"; "strDLClassCodeTVNotes" = "DL category TV codes"; "strDLClassCodeTVTo" = "DL category TV valid to"; "strDLClassCodeVFrom" = "DL category V valid from"; "strDLClassCodeVNotes" = "DL category V codes"; "strDLClassCodeVTo" = "DL category V valid to"; "strDLClassCodeWFrom" = "DL category W valid from"; "strDLClassCodeWNotes" = "DL category W codes"; "strDLClassCodeWTo" = "DL category W valid to"; "strDLDuplicateDate" = "Date of duplicate issue"; "strDLEndorsed" = "DL endorsement code"; "strDLIssType" = "Card type"; "strDLRecordCreated" = "Record created"; "strDLRestrictionCode" = "DL Restriction Code"; "strDLUnder18Date" = "Date of 18th birthday"; "strDLUnder19Date" = "Date of 19th birthday"; "strDLUnder21Date" = "Date of 21st birthday"; "strDNINumber" = "DNI number"; "strDSCertificateIssuer" = "DS certificate issuer"; "strDSCertificateSubject" = "DS certificate subject"; "strDSCertificateValidFrom" = "DS certificate valid from"; "strDSCertificateValidTo" = "DS certificate valid to"; "strDUFNumber" = "DUF number"; "strDataDiscriminator" = "Data discriminator"; "strDateFirstRenewal" = "Date of first renewal"; "strDateOfBirthOfHusband" = "Date of birth of husband"; "strDateOfBirthOfWife" = "Date of birth of wife"; "strDateOfInsuranceExpiry" = "Expiry date of insurance"; "strDateSecondRenewal" = "Date of second renewal"; "strDateofBirth" = "Date of birth"; "strDateofBirthCheckDigit" = "Check digit for date of birth"; "strDateofBirthChecksum" = "Checksum for date of birth"; "strDateofCreation" = "Creation date"; "strDateofExpiry" = "Date of expiry"; "strDateofExpiryCheckDigit" = "Check digit for date of expiry"; "strDateofExpiryChecksum" = "Checksum for date of expiry"; "strDateofFlight" = "Date of flight"; "strDateofIssue" = "Date of issue"; "strDateofIssueBoardingPass" = "Date of boarding pass issue"; "strDateofIssueCheckDigit" = "Check digit for date of issue"; "strDateofIssueChecksum" = "Checksum for date of issue"; "strDateofPersonalization" = "Personalization date"; "strDateofRegistration" = "Date of registration"; "strDay" = "Day"; "strDepartment" = "Department"; "strDeptNumber" = "Department number"; "strDestination" = "Destination"; "strDiscretionaryData" = "Discretionary data"; "strDoDNumber" = "DoD number"; "strDocumentClassCode" = "Document class code"; "strDocumentClassName" = "Document class"; "strDocumentDiscriminator" = "Document discriminator"; "strDocumentNumber" = "Document number"; "strDocumentNumberCheckDigit" = "Check digit for document number"; "strDocumentNumberChecksum" = "Checksum for document number"; "strDocumentSeries" = "Document series"; "strDocumentTooSmall" = "Fit the document into the frame"; "strDonor" = "Donor"; "strDossierNumber" = "Dossier number"; "strDurationofStay" = "Duration of stay"; "strECEnvironmentalType" = "Vehicle environmental type"; "strEDLDG1" = "Text data elements (DG1)"; "strEDLDG10" = "not defined (DG10)"; "strEDLDG11" = "Optional domestic data (DG11)"; "strEDLDG12" = "Non-match alert (DG12)"; "strEDLDG13" = "Active Authentication info (DG13)"; "strEDLDG14" = "EAC info (DG14)"; "strEDLDG2" = "License holder information (DG2)"; "strEDLDG3" = "Issuing authority details (DG3)"; "strEDLDG4" = "Portrait image (DG4)"; "strEDLDG5" = "Signature / usual mark image (DG5)"; "strEDLDG6" = "Biometry - Facial data (DG6)"; "strEDLDG7" = "Biometry - Fingerprint(s) (DG7)"; "strEDLDG8" = "Biometry - Iris Data (DG8)"; "strEDLDG9" = "Biometry - Other (DG9)"; "strEFCOM" = "EF.COM"; "strEFCVCA" = "EF.CVCA"; "strEFCardAccess" = "EF.CardAccess"; "strEFCardSecurity" = "EF.CardSecurity"; "strEFChipSecurity" = "EF.ChipSecurity"; "strEFSOD" = "EF.SOD"; "strEQVCode" = "EQV code"; "strElectronicTicketIndicator" = "Electronic ticket indicator"; "strElement" = "Element"; "strEndorsementExpirationDate" = "Endorsement expiration date"; "strEngineModel" = "Engine model"; "strEngineNumber" = "Engine number"; "strEnginePower" = "Engine power"; "strEngineVolume" = "Engine volume"; "strError" = "Error"; "strExamDate" = "Exam date"; "strExeptInTanks" = "Except in tanks"; "strEye" = "Iris"; "strEyesColor" = "Eye color"; "strFaculty" = "Faculty"; "strFalseLuminescence" = "Excessive luminescence"; "strFamilyName" = "Surname/given name at birth"; "strFamilyNameTruncation" = "Truncated surname/given name at birth"; "strFastTrack" = "Fast Track service"; "strFatherCountryOfBirth" = "Father's country of birth"; "strFatherDateOfBirth" = "Father's date of birth"; "strFatherGivenName" = "Father's given name"; "strFatherPersonalNumber" = "Father's personal number"; "strFatherPlaceOfBirth" = "Father's place of birth"; "strFatherSurname" = "Father's surname"; "strFathersName" = "Father's name"; "strFathersNameRUS" = "Father's name (National)"; "strFederalElections" = "Federal elections"; "strFee" = "Fee"; "strFieldFromMRZ" = "Field from MRZ"; "strFieldTypeDocumentImage" = "Document image"; "strFillElement" = "Filling element"; "strFinalCheckDigit" = "Final check digit"; "strFinalChecksum" = "Final checksum"; "strFingerprint" = "Fingerprint"; "strFirstIssueDate" = "First issue date"; "strFirstNameTruncation" = "First name truncation"; "strFlightNumber" = "Flight number"; "strFolioNumber" = "Folio number"; "strFormOfEducation" = "Form of education"; "strFreeBaggageAllowance" = "Free baggage allowance"; "strFrequentFlyerAirlineDesignator" = "Frequent flyer airline designator"; "strFrequentFlyerNumber" = "Frequent flyer number"; "strFromAirportCode" = "Code of the airport of departure"; "strFuelType" = "Fuel type"; "strGNIBNumber" = "GNIB number"; "strGhostPortrait" = "Ghost portrait"; "strGivenNames" = "Given name"; "strGivenNamesRUS" = "Given name (National)"; "strGlaresOnDocument" = "Avoid glare on the document"; "strGrandfatherName" = "Grandfather's name"; "strHairColor" = "Hair color"; "strHealthNumber" = "Health insurance number"; "strHeight" = "Height"; "strHoldDocumentStraight" = "Hold the document straight"; "strHoloSimple" = "Hologram availability"; "strHoloVerifyDinamic" = "Verify dynamic hologram"; "strHoloVerifyMultiStatic" = "Verify Multi Static Hologram"; "strHoloVerifyStatic" = "Verify Static Hologram"; "strHolograms" = "Holograms"; "strIPI" = "IPI (invisible personal information)"; "strIRB900" = "IR B900 ink"; "strIRVis" = "IR transparency"; "strISOIssuerIDNumber" = "ID number of ISO issuer"; "strIdentifier" = "Identifier"; "strIdentityCardNumber" = "Identity card number"; "strIdentityCardNumberCheckDigit" = "Check digit for identity card number"; "strIdentityCardNumberChecksum" = "Checksum for identity card number"; "strImagePattern" = "Image patterns"; "strInTanks" = "In tanks"; "strInventoryNumber" = "Inventory number"; "strInvitationNumber" = "Invitation number"; "strInvitationNumberCheckDigit" = "Check digit for invitation number"; "strInvitationNumberChecksum" = "Checksum for invitation number"; "strInvitedBy" = "Invited by"; "strIssueTimestamp" = "Issue time"; "strIssuingStateCode" = "Issuing state code"; "strIssuingStateName" = "Issuing state"; "strJurisdictionEndorsementCode" = "Jurisdiction endorsement code"; "strJurisdictionRestrictionCode" = "Jurisdiction restriction code"; "strJurisdictionVehicleClass" = "Jurisdiction vehicle class"; "strKeepDeviceStill" = "Hold the device still"; "strLicenseNumber" = "License number"; "strLimitedDurationDocumentIndicator" = "Indicator of document limited duration"; "strLine1CheckDigit" = "Check digit for line 1"; "strLine1Checksum" = "Checksum for line 1"; "strLine1OptionalData" = "Optional data from line 1"; "strLine2CheckDigit" = "Check digit for line 2"; "strLine2Checksum" = "Checksum for line 2"; "strLine2OptionalData" = "Optional data from line 2"; "strLine3CheckDigit" = "Check digit for line 3"; "strLine3Checksum" = "Checksum for line 3"; "strLine3OptionalData" = "Optional data from line 3"; "strLookingDocument" = "Searching for a document..."; "strMCNoviceDate" = "Expiry date of Motorcycle Novice status"; "strMRZ" = "MRZ"; "strMRZLinesICAORFID" = "MRZ lines from ICAO RFID"; "strMRZString1" = "MRZ line 1"; "strMRZString2" = "MRZ line 2"; "strMRZString3" = "MRZ line 3"; "strMRZStrings" = "MRZ lines"; "strMRZStringsWithCorrectCheckSums" = "MRZ lines with correct checksums"; "strMRZType" = "MRZ Type"; "strMailingAddressCity" = "Mailing address - city"; "strMailingAddressJurisdictionCode" = "Mailing address - jurisdiction code"; "strMailingAddressPostalCode" = "Mailing address - postal code"; "strMailingAddressStreet" = "Mailing address - street"; "strMake" = "Make"; "strMaritalStatus" = "Marital status"; "strMaxMassofTrailerBraked" = "Max mass of trailer (braked)"; "strMaxMassofTrailerUnbraked" = "Max mass of trailer (unbraked)"; "strMaxSpeed" = "Max speed"; "strMedicalIndicatorCodes" = "Medical notes/codes"; "strMiddleName" = "Middle name"; "strMiddleNameTruncation" = "Middle name truncation"; "strMifareData" = "MIFARE data"; "strMifareValidity" = "MIFARE validity"; "strMilitaryBookNumber" = "Military ID number"; "strModel" = "Model"; "strMonth" = "Month"; "strMortgageBy" = "Mortgage by"; "strMotherCountryOfBirth" = "Mother's country of birth"; "strMotherDateOfBirth" = "Mother's date of birth"; "strMotherGivenName" = "Mother's given name"; "strMotherPersonalNumber" = "Mother's personal number"; "strMotherPlaceOfBirth" = "Mother's place of birth"; "strMotherSurname" = "Mother's surname"; "strMothersName" = "Mother's name"; "strNamePrefix" = "Name prefix"; "strNameSuffix" = "Name suffix"; "strNationality" = "Nationality"; "strNationalityCode" = "Nationality code"; "strNonResidentIndicator" = "Non-resident indicator"; "strNone" = "None"; "strNotDefined" = "Undefined"; "strNumberOfCardIssuance" = "Number of card issuances"; "strNumberOfCardIssuanceCheckDigit" = "Check digit for number of card issuances"; "strNumberOfCardIssuanceChecksum" = "Checksum for number of card issuances"; "strNumberOfCylinders" = "Number of cylinders"; "strNumberofAxels" = "Number of axles"; "strNumberofDuplicates" = "Number of duplicates"; "strNumberofEntries" = "Number of entries"; "strNumberofSeats" = "Number of seats"; "strNumberofStandingPlaces" = "Number of standing places"; "strOCRNumber" = "OCR number"; "strOK" = "OK"; "strObservations" = "Observations"; "strOldDateOfIssue" = "Old date of issue"; "strOldDocumentNumber" = "Old document number"; "strOldPlaceOfIssue" = "Old place of issue"; "strOptionalData" = "Optional data"; "strOptionalDataCheckDigit" = "Check digit for optional data"; "strOptionalDataChecksum" = "Checksum for optional data"; "strOptionalDetails" = "Optional details"; "strOrganization" = "Organization"; "strOther" = "Other"; "strOtherName" = "Other name"; "strOtherPersonName" = "Other person, name"; "strOtherValidID" = "Other valid IDs"; "strOwner" = "Owner"; "strPDF417Codec" = "PDF417 codec"; "strPNRCode" = "PNR code"; "strParrentsGivenNames" = "Parents' given names"; "strPassportNumber" = "Passport number"; "strPassportNumberCheckDigit" = "Check digit for passport number"; "strPassportNumberChecksum" = "Checksum for passport number"; "strPatronHeaderVersion" = "Patron header version"; "strPatternDifferentLinesThickness" = "Comparison of the thickness of the pattern lines"; "strPatternIRInvisible" = "Invisible pattern in IR"; "strPatternNotInterrupted" = "No breaks"; "strPatternNotShifted" = "Pattern elements are not shifted"; "strPatternSameColors" = "Same colors of the pattern"; "strPayGrade" = "Pay grade"; "strPayloadCapacity" = "Payload capacity"; "strPermissibleAxleLoad" = "Permissible axle load"; "strPermitDLClass" = "Permit class"; "strPermitDateofExpiry" = "Permit expiry date"; "strPermitDateofIssue" = "Permit issue date"; "strPermitEndorsed" = "Permit endorsement code"; "strPermitIdentifier" = "Permit identifier"; "strPermitRestrictionCode" = "Permit restriction code"; "strPersonToNotifyAddress" = "Notify person: Address"; "strPersonToNotifyDateofRecord" = "Notify person: Date of record"; "strPersonToNotifyName" = "Notify person: Name"; "strPersonToNotifyPhone" = "Notify person: Phone"; "strPersonalNumber" = "Personal number"; "strPersonalNumberCheckDigit" = "Check digit for personal number"; "strPersonalNumberChecksum" = "Checksum for personal number"; "strPersonalSummary" = "Personal data summary"; "strPersonalizationSN" = "Serial number of personalization"; "strPhone" = "Phone"; "strPhotoArea" = "Photo area"; "strPhotoColor" = "Color of the photo"; "strPhotoCorners" = "Corners of the photo"; "strPhotoElement" = "Photo element"; "strPhotoEmbedType" = "Photo embedding type"; "strPhotoProcessing" = "Photo processing..."; "strPhotoShape" = "Shape of the photo"; "strPhotoSizeCheck" = "Size check"; "strPlaceDocumentInFrame" = "Fit the document into the frame"; "strPlaceOfBirthRUS" = "Place of birth (National)"; "strPlaceOfBirthStateCode" = "State code of birthplace"; "strPlaceOfExamination" = "Place of examination"; "strPlaceOfIssue" = "Place of issue"; "strPlacePhoneOnDoc" = "Place the phone on the document please"; "strPlaceofBirth" = "Place of birth"; "strPlaceofBirthArea" = "Area of birthplace"; "strPlaceofRegistration" = "Place of registration"; "strPoliceDistrict" = "Police district"; "strPortrait" = "Portrait"; "strPortraitComparison" = "Comparison of the portraits"; "strPortraitOfChild" = "Portrait of child"; "strPortraitVSCamera" = "Portrait vs Camera image"; "strPortraitVSGhost" = "Portrait vs Ghost photo"; "strPortraitVSRFID" = "Portrait vs RFID chip portrait"; "strPowerWeightRatio" = "Power-to-weight ratio"; "strPrecinct" = "Precinct"; "strPrepareCamera" = "Preparing the camera..."; "strPresentNextPage" = "Please provide the next page"; "strPreviousType" = "Type/number of the previous document"; "strProcessingDocument" = "Document processing..."; "strProfession" = "Profession"; "strProfessionalIdNumber" = "Professional ID number"; "strProofOfCitizenship" = "Proof of citizenship"; "strPseudoCode" = "Pseudocode"; "strPurposeOfEntry" = "Purpose of entry"; "strRFIDVSCamera" = "RFID chip portrait vs Camera image"; "strRaceEthnicity" = "Race/ethnicity"; "strRank" = "Rank"; "strReadingRFID" = "Reading RFID chip data"; "strReadingRFIDDGiOS" = "Reading RFID %@ data"; "strRecognizedDocumentType" = "Document type"; "strReferenceNumber" = "Unique number"; "strReferenceNumberCheckDigit" = "Unique number check digit"; "strReferenceNumberChecksum" = "Unique number checksum"; "strRegCertBodyNumber" = "Body number"; "strRegCertBodyType" = "Body type"; "strRegCertCarColor" = "Vehicle color"; "strRegCertCarMark" = "Vehicle make"; "strRegCertCarModel" = "Vehicle model"; "strRegCertCarType" = "Vehicle type"; "strRegCertMaxWeight" = "Max permissible weight"; "strRegCertRegNumber" = "Registration number"; "strRegCertRegNumberCheckDigit" = "Check digit for registration number"; "strRegCertRegNumberChecksum" = "Checksum for registration number"; "strRegCertVIN" = "Vehicle identification number"; "strRegCertVINCheckDigit" = "Check digit for VIN"; "strRegCertVINChecksum" = "Checksum for VIN"; "strRegCertVehicleITSCode" = "Vehicle ITS code"; "strRegCertWeight" = "Unladen mass"; "strRelationship" = "Relationship"; "strReligion" = "Religion"; "strRemainderTerm" = "Months to expire"; "strResidentFrom" = "Resident from"; "strResidentUntil" = "Resident until"; "strRetirementNumber" = "Retirement number"; "strRevisionDate" = "Revision date"; "strRoomNumber" = "Room number"; "strSBHIntegrityOptions" = "SBH integrity options"; "strSBHSecurityOptions" = "SBH security options"; "strSeatNumber" = "Seat number"; "strSecondSurname" = "Second surname"; "strSection" = "Section"; "strSecurityText" = "Security text"; "strSelecteeIndicator" = "Selectee indicator"; "strSequenceNumber" = "Sequence number"; "strSerialNumber" = "Serial number"; "strSettings" = "Settings"; "strSex" = "Sex"; "strSignature" = "Signature"; "strSkinColor" = "Skin color"; "strSocialSecurityNumber" = "Social insurance number"; "strSpCode" = "Special code"; "strSpecialNotes" = "Special notes"; "strSponsor" = "Sponsor"; "strSponsorSSN" = "Sponsor SSN"; "strSponsorService" = "Sponsor service"; "strSponsorStatus" = "Sponsor status"; "strStamp" = "Stamp"; "strStampNumber" = "Stamp number"; "strStatusDateofExpiry" = "Status Expiry Date"; "strSurname" = "Surname"; "strSurnameAndGivenNames" = "Surname and given names"; "strSurnameAndGivenNamesCheckDigit" = "Check digit for surname and given names"; "strSurnameAndGivenNamesChecksum" = "Checksum for surname and given names"; "strSurnameAndGivenNamesRUS" = "Surname and given names (National)"; "strSurnameAtBirth" = "Surname at birth"; "strSurnameOfHusbandAfterRegistration" = "Surname of husband after registration"; "strSurnameOfWifeAfterRegistration" = "Surname of wife after registration"; "strSurnameofSpose" = "Spouse's surname"; "strTax" = "Tax"; "strTaxNumber" = "Tax number"; "strTelexCode" = "Telegraph code"; "strTerritorialValidity" = "Territorial validity"; "strTicketNumber" = "Ticket number"; "strTitle" = "Position"; "strToAirportCode" = "Code of the airport of arrival"; "strTorchUnavailable" = "Torch unavailable"; "strTrackingNumber" = "Tracking number"; "strTrailerHitch" = "Trailer hitch"; "strTransactionNumber" = "Transaction number"; "strTransmissionType" = "Transmission type"; "strTypeApprovalNumber" = "Type of approval number"; "strURL" = "URL"; "strUSCIS" = "USCIS"; "strUV" = "UV"; "strUVFibers" = "UV security fibers"; "strUVLuminescence" = "UV dull paper check"; "strUnableCaptureMedia" = "Camera configuration failed"; "strUniqueCustomerIdentifier" = "Unique customer identifier"; "strVRCDataObjectEntry" = "Vehicle data from the DG1 data group"; "strValidityPeriod" = "Validity period"; "strVehicleCategory" = "Vehicle category"; "strVeteran" = "Veteran"; "strVisaClass" = "Visa Class"; "strVisaID" = "Visa ID"; "strVisaIDCheckDigit" = "Check digit for visa ID"; "strVisaIDChecksum" = "Checksum for visa ID"; "strVisaIDRUS" = "Visa ID (National)"; "strVisaNumber" = "Visa Number"; "strVisaNumberCheckDigit" = "Check digit for visa number"; "strVisaNumberChecksum" = "Checksum for visa number"; "strVisaSubClass" = "Visa subclass"; "strVisaType" = "Visa type"; "strVisaValidFrom" = "Visa valid from"; "strVisaValidUntil" = "Visa valid until"; "strVisaValidUntilCheckDigit" = "Check digit for visa expiry date"; "strVisaValidUntilChecksum" = "Checksum for visa expiry date"; "strVisibleLight" = "Visible light"; "strVoter" = "Voter"; "strVoterKey" = "Voter Key"; "strVoucherNumber" = "Voucher number"; "strWeight" = "Weight"; "strWeightPound" = "Weight (pound)"; "strYear" = "Year"; "strYearsSinceIssue" = "Years since issue"; "streIDPlaceOfBirthCity" = "Place of Birth: City"; "streIDPlaceOfBirthCountry" = "Place of Birth: Country"; "streIDPlaceOfBirthState" = "Place of Birth: State"; "streIDPlaceOfBirthStreet" = "Place of Birth: Street"; "streIDPlaceOfBirthZipcode" = "Place of Birth: Postal code"; "streIDResidencePermit1" = "Residence permit 1"; "streIDResidencePermit2" = "Residence permit 2"; "strfppLeftIndexFinger" = "Left index finger"; "strfppLeftLittleFinger" = "Left little finger"; "strfppLeftMiddleFinger" = "Left middle finger"; "strfppLeftRingFinger" = "Left ring finger"; "strfppLeftThumb" = "Left thumb"; "strfppRightIndexFinger" = "Right index finger"; "strfppRightLittleFinger" = "Right little finger"; "strfppRightMiddleFinger" = "Right middle finger"; "strfppRightRingFinger" = "Right ring finger"; "strfppRightThumb" = "Right thumb";