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Document Reader SDK: Online License Transactions


A tag is a randomly generated user journey unique identifier. It can be any string value and has to be unique.

When using an online license, each call to the Document Reader SDK is counted as a transaction. If the tag is specified during a continuous user journey, multiple transactions can be combined into one session. However, if Server-Side Verification or Online Processing is used, transactions are automatically combined into sessions without needing to set a tag.

Imagine you have created a process where a photo of an identity document is taken on a mobile device and then processed on a server, without using Server-Side Verification or Online Processing. In this case, you can use the same tag in both the Mobile SDK and Web Service, which will count as a single transaction by Regula licensing service. If no tag is specified, each transaction will be counted separately.

Scheme of using tags


Each tag can only be used once, so you have to use different tags for each user journey.

Implementing sessions may require a different type of licensing with a different pricing structure. For detailed information and to discuss the specific terms, please consult with your account manager or drop a line here.

The tag is an optional property, and can be set on Mobile SDK, Web Components, and Web Service.


A tenant can be used to differentiate transactions based on customers, applications, or other criteria. For instance, if you have multiple company customers, you can assign a name to each customer in order to group transactions by these specified names.

Scheme of using tenants

The tenant is an optional property, and can be set on Mobile SDK, Web Components, and Web Service.


An environment can be used to differentiate transactions by development stages. For instance, if you have development, POC, and production stages, you can assign a name to each stage in order to group transactions by these specified names.

Scheme of using environments

The environment is an optional property, and can be set on Mobile SDK, Web Components, and Web Service.

How To Set Up

Tag, tenant, and environment properties can be used either separately or together.

How to set up a tag, tenant, and environment on:

Next Steps