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The Document Reader Web Service package contains the document database (db.dat file), latest to the release date.

There is a way to change the resources file solely, without updating the existing Document Reader Web Service package.

For that purpose, you need:

1. Go to the Client Portal.

2. Sign in (or sign up, if not registered yet).

3. Go to the Databases page.

Client Portal, opened on the Databases page

Parameter Description
Name Database name (identifier).
Description Detailed information about the document database, what types of documents are covered by it. For example, Full stands for the document database, containing all the documents from all the countries, FullAuth file contains the same data and all the security checks.
Version The document database version number.
Export Date The date, when the document database has been created.
Documents Number of documents in the resources file.
Countries Number of countries whose documents are represented in the resources file.

4. Download the desired document database file.

If you haven't found the suitable resources file, contact your account manager or create a request on the Support Portal to get a configured custom document database.

5. Depending on your platform:

1. Put the db.dat file to your OS home directory.

2. Run the following command to use it:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v C:\%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\regula.license:/app/extBin/unix/regula.license -v C:\%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\db.dat:/app/extBin/unix/db.dat regulaforensics/docreader:latest 
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v ~/regula.license:/app/extBin/unix/regula.license -v ~/db.dat:/app/extBin/unix/db.dat regulaforensics/docreader:latest
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v ~/regula.license:/app/extBin/unix/regula.license -v ~/db.dat:/app/extBin/unix/db.dat regulaforensics/docreader:latest

1. Go to the directory below:

cd /opt/regula/document-reader-webapi/extBin/unix
cd /opt/regula/document-reader-webapi/extBin/unix
cd /opt/regula/document-reader-webapi/extBin/unix

2. Make sure the access rights to the db.dat and resource.dat files are identical. You can perform the check by using the command:

ls -l /opt/regula/document-reader-webapi/extBin/unix
ls -l /opt/regula/document-reader-webapi/extBin/unix
ls -l /opt/regula/document-reader-webapi/extBin/unix

3. Replace the db.dat file with the newer one.

1. Go to the directory below:

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Regula\Document Reader Web API\extBin\win_x64
cd C:\Program Files\Regula\Document Reader Web API\extBin\win_x64

2. Replace the db.dat file with the newer one.

6. Restart the Document Reader Web Service.

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