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Processing Params


  • Set the following option to true if you know for sure that the image you provide contains an already cropped by edges document:
    "processParam": {
        "alreadyCropped": true
  • Use a specific template ID and skip the document type identification step:
    "processParam": {
        "forceDocID": 123
  • Ignore assumptions based on the field mask in the template:
    "processParam": {
        "matchTextFieldMask": true
  • Get the OCR validity failed if there is a glare over the text field on the image:
    "processParam": {
        "updateOCRValidityByGlare": true
  • In case the required fields are not read, their values are returned as empty:
    "processParam": {
        "checkRequiredTextFields": true
  • Limit MRZ formats to be recognized by specifying them in array:
    "processParam": {
        "mrzFormatsFilter": ["2x44", "3x30"]
  • Guarantee that an output image contains the correct MRZ on it in the series process mode:
    "processParam": {
        "forceReadMrzBeforeLocate": true
  • Specify the MRZ detection mode to improve the recognition quality on complex noisy backgrounds, like black and white photocopy of some documents. Works only in the single-frame processing mode.
    "processParam": {
        "mrzDetectMode": 1
  • When set to false, the barcode parsing will be skipped and the raw information will be returned:
    "processParam": {
        "parseBarcodes": false
  • Enable the following parameter to force the Barcode Format check failing if the certificates required for performing the Digital Signature check are missing:
    "processParam": {
        "strictBarcodeDigitalSignatureCheck": true
  • When enabled, OCR of perforated fields in the document template will not be performed:
    "processParam": {
        "disablePerforationOCR": true
  • Enable the CAN (Card Access Number) detection when using scenarios with document location and MRZ reading, such as the MrzAndLocate scenario:
    "processParam": {
        "doDetectCan": true

Image Quality

  • When enabled, the image quality checks status affects the document optical and overall status:
    "processParam": {
        "strictImageQuality": true
  • Specify the minimal area of an image that a document should cover to be treated as a candidate when locating. The value should be in a range from 0 to 1, where 1 is for the document that fully covers the image:
    "processParam": {
        "documentAreaMin": 0.7
  • Set the threshold for an actual document DPI below which the check fails:
    "processParam": {
        "imageQa": {
            "dpiThreshold": 150
  • Set the threshold for an actual document perspective angle above which the check fails:
    "processParam": {
        "imageQa": {
            "angleThreshold": 5
  • Disable / enable the focus check for the image quality validation:
    "processParam": {
        "imageQa": {
            "focusCheck": true
  • Disable / enable the glares check for the image quality validation:
    "processParam": {
        "imageQa": {
            "glaresCheck": true
  • In case the glares check is enabled, you can specify the indent from the document image border within which the glare detection will be ignored:
  "processParam": {
    "imageQa": {
      "glaresCheck": true,
      "glaresCheckParams": {
        "imgMarginPart": 0.05
  • In case the glares check is enabled, you can specify the maximum size for glare-like objects that should not be considered as glares; only those exceeding this size will be validated:
  "processParam": {
    "imageQa": {
      "glaresCheck": true,
      "glaresCheckParams": {
        "maxGlaringPart": 0.01
  • Disable / enable the colorness check for the image quality validation:
    "processParam": {
        "imageQa": {
            "colornessCheck": true
  • Set the threshold for an actual document brightness below which the check fails:
    "processParam": {
        "imageQa": {
            "brightnessThreshold": 1.5
  • Specify the minimum indent (as a percentage of document width) from the corners of the document to the borders of the image. If the corners of the document are closer than the specified value, the status will contain an error in the documentPosition field.
    "processParam": {
        "imageQa": {
            "documentPositionIndent": 5

Output Data

    "processParam": {
        "resultTypeOutput": [3, 17]
  • To process up to two pages of the document (a so-called "double-page spread") in one shot if they are presented on the frame (image), use:
    "processParam": {
        "doublePageSpread": true
  • Return two aligned and straighten passport pages from an input image as if it was captured from the flatbed scanner:
    "processParam": {
        "generateDoublePageSpreadImage": true
  • If a document contains Visual zone, you can set the list of field types to extract. In this case, other fields are skipped during the processing, i.e. document recognition becomes faster. If the fieldTypesFilter is empty, all fields are extracted:
    "processParam": {
        "fieldTypesFilter": [3]
  • The list of LCID types to ignore during the recognition. If empty, values with all LCID types will be extracted. Narrowing down the list can reduce processing time. Empty by default.
    "processParam": {
        "lcidIgnoreFilter": [
  • The list of LCID types to recognize. If empty, values with all LCID types will be extracted. Empty by default.
    "processParam": {
        "lcidFilter": [
  • You can change the format of dates displayed in the results. The mask examples are "dd/mm/yyyy", "mm/dd/yyyy", "dd-mm-yyyy", "mm-dd-yyyy", "dd/mm/yy":
    "processParam": {
        "dateFormat": "dd-mm-yyyy"
  • Change the measure system:
    "processParam": {
        "measureSystem": 1
  • Set the maximum DPI for an output image (if set to zero, the image is not resized):
    "processParam": {
        "imageDpiOutMax": 0
  • Define the maximum height for the document image. The size of the result image will be reduced according to the indicated maximum height while the aspect ration of the image will be preserved:
    "processParam": {
        "imageOutputMaxHeight": 1000
  • Define the maximum width for the document image. The size of the result image will be reduced according to the indicated maximum height/width while the aspect ration of the image will be preserved:
    "processParam": {
        "imageOutputMaxWidth": 500
  • Return an image with a cropped barcode:
    "processParam": {
        "returnCroppedBarcode": true
  • Do not crop graphic fields from a document image:
    "processParam": {
        "noGraphics": true
  • Shift the date of expiry into the future or past for the specified number of months:
    "processParam": {
        "shiftExpiryDate": 1
  • Specify the minimal age of the document holder (in years):
    "processParam": {
        "minimalHolderAge": 18
  • Set the parameter to send the original (uncropped) image to Core for processing:
    "processParam": {
        "returnUncroppedImage": true
  • When enabled, select the longest value from the different value sources and write it to the value field if comparison is done successfully. The parameter applies this logic to the personal names, such as given name, surname, surname and given name, middle name, etc.
    "processParam": {
        "selectLongestNames": true
  • When enabled, the Surname and GivenNames field will be divided into ft_First_Name, ft_Second_Name, ft_Third_Name, ft_Fourth_Name, ft_Last_Name fields:
    "processParam": {
        "splitNames": true


  • When enabled, results will contain transaction processing log:
    "processParam": {
        "log": true
  • When used together with 'log' parameter enabled, sets the level of logs detalization:
    "processParam": {
        "logLevel": "Debug"
  • Remove personal information from logs:
    "processParam": {
        "depersonalizeLog": true


For details, see the RFID Processing reference.

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