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The enumeration contains face attributes, such as age and emotion.

Value Name Description
Age AGE The estimated age range of the person.
Emotion EMOTION The facial expression.
EyeLeft EYE_LEFT The left eye status.
EyeRight EYE_RIGHT The right eye status.
Smile SMILE Whether the person smiles.
Glasses GLASSES Whether the person wears glasses.
HeadCovering HEAD_COVERING Whether there is a head coverage.
ForeheadCovering FOREHEAD_COVERING Whether the forehead is covered.
Mouth MOUTH Whether the mouth is open or closed.
MedicalMask MEDICAL_MASK Whether the person is wearing a medical mask.
Occlusion OCCLUSION Whether the face is occluded.
StrongMakeup STRONG_MAKEUP Whether the makeup is too strong.
Headphones HEADPHONES Whether the person is wearing headphones.

See Also