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The enumeration contains face detection scenarios.

Value Name Description
QualityFull QUALITY_FULL Checks all the available quality characteristics.
QualityICAO QUALITY_ICAO Checks the quality characteristics based on the ICAO standard.
QualityVisaSchengen QUALITY_VISA_SCHENGEN Checks the quality characteristics based on the Schengen visa standard.
QualityVisaUSA QUALITY_VISA_USA Checks the quality characteristics based on the USA visa standard.
CropCentralFace CROP_CENTRAL_FACE Returns the cropped and resized portrait of the person whose face is the most central in the photo.
CropAllFaces CROP_ALL_FACES Returns cropped portraits of all the people in the image.
Thumbnail THUMBNAIL Returns the cropped portrait of the person whose face is the most central in the photo.
AttributesAll ATTRIBUTES_ALL Returns all the available attributes evaluation results.

See Also