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Migration Guide: From 7.4 To 7.5

Web Service


For the accurate upgrade of the Web Service connected to the Database, check out the Upgrade Guide.

New Endpoints

  • /api/readiness is deprecated, use /api/readyz instead.
  • /api/ping is deprecated, use /api/healthz instead.
  • The deprecated /webapi endpoint was removed, use /api/process instead.

Migration from Old Transactional API - /webapi

There were two types of endpoints previously. The old-async one, was based on /webapi/Transaction2/SubmitTransaction and /webapi/Transaction2/GetTransactionResult, and the new-sync one, is based on the /api/process method, which returns results in the same HTTP call.

The new version of the Document Reader Web Service no longer supports requests from the old Transaction API.

To migrate to the new Web API, take the following steps:

  1. Uninstall the old Document Reader Web Service.
  2. Install the new Document Reader Web Service.
  3. Rename the SLXXXXX license file to regula.license. Place it according to the setup license sections of your platform installation guide.
  4. Optionally, if you plan to migrate from Windows, contact us to discuss your concrete case.
  5. Run the new Document Reader Web Service.


  • Updated logic of the isRFIDAvailableForUse() method. Now this method checks if the RFID chip reading can be performed on the mobile device itself (based on your license and Core framework capabilities).
  • Added new isAuthenticatorRFIDAvailableForUse() method, checking if the external Regula Bluetooth devices can be used for RFID chip reading (based on your license and Core framework capabilities).
  • Parameter respectImageQuality is now deprecated, use strictImageQuality instead. For now, the old and the new parameter will work equally. In upcoming releases respectImageQuality will be removed.

For more details, see the Mobile API Reference Documentation.


Changed the RecognizeConfig object creation:

var config = RecognizeConfig.withScenario(
  images: images
var config = RecognizeConfig.withScenario(

Web Component

Deprecated Parameters

  • Parameter respectImageQuality is now deprecated and replaced by strictImageQuality with the same meaning. For now, the old and the new parameter will work equally. In upcoming releases respectImageQuality will be removed.
  • Parameter regulaLogo is now deprecated and replaced by copyright with the same meaning. For now, the old and the new parameter will work equally. In upcoming releases regulaLogo will be removed.

UI and UX Changes

In the release 7.5 the component's UI and default behavior have changed.

Component Size

Previously, the component itself had the fixed size and only the processing area filled the entire available space. Now the component always fits to the width and height of its container.

Customization Settings Defaults

Mirroring button (to flip image vertically) is now hidden by default for the document-reader and camera-snapshot components. To show it, enable the mirrorButton boolean setting.

part CSS Pseudo-Elements

Starting from the release 7.5 to all significant UI elements was added the part attribute. That allows you to flexibly apply styles to separate elements within the shadow tree.

Obsolete CSS Variables

The following CSS variables are now obsolete:

  • --main-color
  • --hover-color
  • --active-color

They have been deleted from source code and should not be used anymore. To reproduce the same appearance, use the properties of the corresponding part CSS elements as in the following example:

document-reader::part(menu-from-camera-button):hover {
    background: red;

document-reader::part(menu-from-camera-button):active {
    background: blue;

Renaming and Interface Changes

  • Changed the interface of the TransactionInfo object in the root of the Web Component's response.
  • Renamed several fields of the TransactionInfo object:
    • tag renamed to Tag,
    • transactionId renamed to TransactionID.
  • Renamed the interface for the return value of the finalizePackage() method from TransactionInfo to TransactionIdentifier.
  • expectedPass parameter now accepts the string values from the ImageQualityChecks enum if you are using TypeScript. Using JavaScript you can continue to pass strings. See the TypeScript example:
window.RegulaDocumentSDK.recognizerProcessParam = {
  processParam: {
    imageQa: {
      expectedPass: [ImageQualityChecks.Glares, ImageQualityChecks.Focus],
window.RegulaDocumentSDK.recognizerProcessParam = {
  processParam: {
    imageQa: {
      expectedPass: ['glaresCheck', 'focusCheck'],
  • Added a new data type TransactionEvent for a custom event. See the TypeScript example:
const componentListener = (data: CustomEvent<DocumentReaderDetailType | TransactionEvent>) => {};
const componentListener = (data: CustomEvent<DocumentReaderDetailType>) => {};

For details, see the Document Reader SDK Web Component documentation.