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Settings and Attributes

There are two ways to define the element's settings:

  • via the settings property of the JavaScript object,
  • via attributes of the corresponding HTML tag.

See the description and examples below.

  • Using settings property to configure element:
const element = document.createElement('document-reader');

element.settings = {
  startScreen: true,
  internalScenario: 'Locate',
  multipageProcessing: true,
  • Using attributes to configure element:
<document-reader start-screen internal-scenario="Locate"></document-reader>

We highly recommend using the settings property of the element to configure its parameters. This method gives more flexibility in setup, in addition, all new configuration parameters in the future will be available only as the settings of the object (not as HTML attributes).

Settings and Attributes Description

See all component settings and attributes in the following table.

Setting name Attribute name Description Type Default Values Related components
internalScenario internal-scenario The component document verification scenario. string - MrzAndLocate, MrzOrLocate, Mrz, Locate, Barcode, MrzOrBarcode, BarcodeAndLocate document-reader
multipageProcessing multipage-processing Whether to allow processing of two pages in cases when the component detects an ID1-sized document. Multipage processing is not triggered for documents of other formats. If true, the component asks for the second page and processes it. If false, only one page/side of the document is processed regardless the document format. boolean false true, false document-reader
startScreen start-screen Whether to show the start screen with two options for the document image uploading: From camera and From gallery. If true, the start screen is shown. If false, no start screen is shown and instead the camera of the device is turned on automatically to capture the image of the document. boolean false true, false document-reader, camera-snapshot
multipleFileInput multiple Whether to allow uploading more than one file via the file system. Can be set to true only if startScreen is true. boolean true true, false document-reader, camera-snapshot
cameraId camera-id Ability to select a camera. You can get the device ID using navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(). string undefined camera id string value document-reader, camera-snapshot
devLicense license To use the component on test environments, set the Base64 license value to the license attribute. string undefined base64 license value document-reader
captureMode Sets the capture mode. Mode auto - recognition starts immediately after the camera starts working. Mode captureFrame - recognition of the frame received after pressing the capture button. Mode captureVideo - recognition begins after pressing the button, pressing the button again will send the received frame for processing. string auto auto, captureVideo, captureFrame document-reader
resolution Sets the resolution of the video stream from the camera. object { width: 1920, height: 1080 } { width: number, height: number } document-reader, camera-snapshot
cameraMode Selects the front or rear camera of the device. object environment environment, user document-reader, camera-snapshot
nonce Sets the unique nonce value to maintain the CSP policy. string undefined unique nonce value document-reader, camera-snapshot
videoRecord Sets the ability to record a video of the document scanning process. If set to true it records the entire process. You can also set the recording delay and recording duration. The video will be available in the component response. boolean or object undefined true, false, { delay: number, duration: number, bitrate: number } document-reader
videoCaptureMotionControl Enables device shaking control. boolean false true, false document-reader
mirrorType Sets the initial value of video mirroring. string mirror - for front camera, noMirror - for back camera, mirror, noMirror document-reader, camera-snapshot
mobileDelegate Changes the success screen in case of delegating scanning via a mobile device. boolean false true, false document-reader

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