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Document Reader SDK Web Components


The Document Reader Web Components let you add document verification to your website, including the features:

  • Capture a document from the device's camera
  • Process an uploaded image
  • Crop the image by document boundaries
  • Detect the presence of a machine-readable zone (MRZ)
  • Recognize and return the values of MRZ text fields

The Document Reader Web Components package contains:

  • Predefined UI Components
    Document Reader UI Web Components with predefined view and behavior are designed for the fast integration of document recognition functionality into your project. You can still customize most of the appearance and processing parameters before the launch if needed. Examples of the UI Web Components are document-reader for documents recognition, camera-snapshot for capturing images from a camera or uploading from a gallery.
  • Processor
    Document Reader Processor manages the document image recognition and other related operations, leaving implementation of UI to you.

Current document acts as a quick start guide for operating Document Reader Web Components and as a reference to their main processing parameters.

Before You Start

Important notes:

  • Never keep the license in production environment. On production environments, the domain name licensing method must be used. Using the license in the source code of your project is applicable only in development and for testing.
  • Document Reader Web Components and their methods strictly require the secure contexts, so using HTTPS protocol is a must.
  • The considered components are registered on the web page itself, so make sure to import the library to your website before adding any of the components to the web page code.
  • Only the modern browser versions are supported, see compatibility. Polyfills are not included in the package by default.


Devices Chrome FireFox Safari
Mobile (iOS) 99 99 11
Mobile (Android) 66 63 -
Desktop 61 63 11

To support the older browser versions in your project, install the required polyfill packages manually. Follow the link to npm package @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs for installation details.

Predefined UI Components

npm Service Integration

Step 1. Install the package @regulaforensics/vp-frontend-document-components:

npm i @regulaforensics/vp-frontend-document-components

Step 2. Import the function defineComponents and the class DocumentReaderService into your .js file.

Using module bundler:

import { defineComponents, DocumentReaderService } from '@regulaforensics/vp-frontend-document-components';
Without module bundler:
import { defineComponents, DocumentReaderService } from './node_modules/@regulaforensics/vp-frontend-document-components/dist/main.js';

Step 3. Define the components, depending on the functionality that you need.

If you need only the camera-snapshot component, call the defineComponents() method without arguments:


If you need the entire scope of functionality:

1. Add DocumentReaderService to the global variable RegulaDocumentSDK and set processing scenario:

window.RegulaDocumentSDK = new DocumentReaderService();

window.RegulaDocumentSDK.recognizerProcessParam = {
  processParam: {
    scenario: 'MrzAndLocate',
window.RegulaDocumentSDK.imageProcessParam = {
  processParam: {
    scenario: 'MrzAndLocate',
2. Define the components and initialize the service:

On production environment (the domain name licensing is used):

defineComponents().then(() => window.RegulaDocumentSDK.initialize());

On test environment (with generated Base64 license string):

defineComponents().then(() => window.RegulaDocumentSDK.initialize({ license: 'BASE64_LICENSE_KEY' }));

For more information about licensing, see the Document Reader SDK Licensing page and the How to Convert a License File to BASE64 FAQ article.

Step 4. Add the desired component tag to the .html file.

For example:

document-reader is used for the document recognition with defined parameters:


camera-snapshot is used to capture images from the device's camera and to import from the gallery:


CDN Service Integration

Step 1. Connect the script to your .html file.

Use the CDN link in a format as follows:

For example:

<script src=""></script>

Note: You can find all available script versions in the corresponding section of npm, using the same link from the previous example.

Step 2. Define the components, depending on the functionality that you need.

If you need only the camera-snapshot component:


If you need the entire scope of functionality:

1. Access DocumentReaderService and defineComponents via the global variable window.Regula:

const { defineComponents, DocumentReaderService } = window.Regula;
2. Add DocumentReaderService to the global variable RegulaDocumentSDK and set processing scenario:
window.RegulaDocumentSDK = new DocumentReaderService();

window.RegulaDocumentSDK.recognizerProcessParam = {
  processParam: {
    scenario: 'MrzAndLocate',
window.RegulaDocumentSDK.imageProcessParam = {
  processParam: {
    scenario: 'MrzAndLocate',
3. Define the components and initialize the service.

On production environment (the domain name licensing is used):

defineComponents().then(() => window.RegulaDocumentSDK.initialize());

On test environment (with generated Base64 license string):

defineComponents().then(() => window.RegulaDocumentSDK.initialize({ license: 'BASE64_LICENSE_KEY' }));

For more information about licensing, see the Document Reader SDK Licensing page and the How to Convert a License File to BASE64 FAQ article.

Service Parameters

After adding DocumentReaderService to the global variable, you can change the default document recognition and image processing settings as follows:

Image recognition (video capture) default settings. The functionality is available via the camera button.

window.RegulaDocumentSDK.recognizerProcessParam = {
  processParam: {
    returnUncroppedImage: true,
    multipageProcessing: false,
    returnPackageForReprocess: false,
    timeout: 20000,
    resultTypeOutput: [],
    imageQa: {
      expectedPass: ['dpiThreshold', 'glaresCheck', 'focusCheck'],
      dpiThreshold: 130,
      glaresCheck: true,
      glaresCheckParams: {
        imgMarginPart: 0.05,
        maxGlaringPart: 0.01,

Image processing default settings. The functionality is available via the gallery button.

window.RegulaDocumentSDK.imageProcessParam = {
  processParam: {
    returnUncroppedImage: true,
    returnPackageForReprocess: false,

Session ID for image processing:

window.RegulaDocumentSDK.imageProcessParam = {
  tag: 'your session id',

Parameters Description

Setting Info Data type Default value Values
returnUncroppedImage When enabled, returns input images in output. boolean true true, false
scenario Recognition scenario. string 'MrzAndLocate' 'MrzAndLocate', 'MrzOrLocate', 'Mrz', 'Locate'
multipageProcessing Whether to enable multi-page document processing mode. boolean true true, false
timeout Recognition timeout in milliseconds. After this time process will be finished. number 2000 numbers > 0
resultTypeOutput Types of results to return in response. [] - all available types. number[] [] 1 - DocumentImageResult, 3 - TextDataResult, 5 - DocBarCodeInfo, 6 - GraphicsResult, 8 - DocumentTypesCandidatesResult, 9 - ChosenDocumentTypeResult, 20 - AuthenticityResult, 15 - LexicalAnalysisResult, 17 - TextDataResult, 18 - TextDataResult, 19 - GraphicsResult, 30 - ImageQualityResult, 33 - StatusResult, 36 - TextResult, 37 - ImagesResult, 85 - DocumentPositionResult, 102 - TextDataResult, 103 - GraphicsResult, 50 - LicenseResult, 49 - EncryptedRCLResult
returnPackageForReprocess When enabled, returns the package for reprocessing on the backend. boolean false true, false
imageQa When enabled, image quality checks status affects document optical and overall status.
respectImageQuality When enabled, image quality checks status affects document optical and overall status. boolean false true, false
expectedPass Activated image quality checks. string[] ['dpiThreshold', 'glaresCheck', 'focusCheck'] 'dpiThreshold', 'glaresCheck', 'focusCheck'
documentAreaMin Specifies minimal area of the image that document should cover to be treated as candidate when locating. Value should be in range from 0 to 1, where 1 is when document should fully cover the image. number 0 from 0 to 1
dpiThreshold This parameter sets threshold for Image QA check of the presented document physical dpi. If actual document dpi is below this threshold, check will fail. number 150 numbers > 0
angleThreshold This parameter set threshold for Image QA check of the actual document perspective angle (in degrees), above which the check fails. number numbers > 0
focusCheck This option enables the focus check for the image quality validation. boolean true true, false
colornessCheck This option enables the colorness check while performing image quality validation. boolean false true, false
brightnessThreshold This option sets the threshold for an actual document brightness, below which the check fails. number numbers > 0
documentPositionIndent This parameter sets the minimum indent (as a percentage of document width) from the corners of the document to the borders of the image. If the corners of the document are closer than the specified value, the status will contain an error in the documentPosition field. number 0 from 0 to 100
glaresCheck This option enables glares check while performing image quality validation. boolean true true, false
glaresCheckParams Advanced settings for glare check.
glaresCheckParams.imgMarginPart Relative indent from the side of the document, ignored during the glares check. The check is still performed on the document area closer to the center. number 0 from 0 to 1
glaresCheckParams.maxGlaringPart Relative maximum size of glare-like objects that aren't considered as glares. Only the objects having area, greater than the specified value, are taken into account. number from 0 to 1
imageOutputMaxHeight This parameter allows setting maximum height in pixels of output images and thus reducing image size to desired. Does not change the aspect ratio. Changes disabled if equals to 0. number 0 numbers > 0
imageOutputMaxWidth This parameter allows setting maximum width in pixels of output images and thus reducing image size to desired. Does not change the aspect ratio. Changes disabled if equals to 0. number 0 numbers > 0
fieldTypesFilter List of text field types to extract. If empty, all text fields from template will be extracted. Narrowing the list can shorten processing time. number[] []
dateFormat This option allows you to set dates format so that solution will return dates in this format. For example, if you supply 'MM/dd/yyyy', and document have printed date '09 JUL 2020' for the date os issue, you will get '07/09/2020' as a result. By default it is set to system locale default (where the service is running). string 'MM/dd/yyyy'
measureSystem This option allows you to set the system of measurement used for converting original values in document to output result values. Metric by default. number 0 0 - Metric, 1 - Imperial
imageDpiOutMax This parameter controls maximum resolution in dpi of output images. Resolution will remain original in case 0 is supplied. By default is set to return images in response with resolution not greater than 300 dpi for all scenarios except FullAuth. In FullAuth scenario this limit is 1000 dpi by default. number numbers > 0
alreadyCropped This option can be enabled if you know for sure that the image you provide contains already cropped document by its edges. This was designed to process on the server side images captured and cropped on mobile. boolean false true, false
customParams This option allows passing custom processing parameters that can be implemented in future without changing API. Object {}
fastDocDetect (deprecated) When enabled, shorten the list of candidates to process during document detection in a single image process mode. Reduces processing time for specific backgrounds. boolean true true, false
updateOCRValidityByGlare When enabled, fail OCR field validity, if there is a glare over the text field on the image. boolean false true, false
returnCroppedBarcode When enabled, returns cropped barcode images for unknown documents. boolean false true, false
forceDocFormat Force use of specified document format when locating and recognizing document to reduce the number of candidates. number 0 - ID1 document format, 1 - ID2 document format, 2 - ID3 document format, 3 - Undefined document format, 4 - A4 document format, 5 - ID3 double document format, 10 - ID1 format document rotated 90°, 11 - ID1 format document rotated 180°, 12 - ID1 format document rotated 270°, 13 - ID2 format document rotated 90°, 14 - ID3 format document rotated 180°, 1000 - Arbitrary format, 1002 - Flexible format. Standard formats can be resized during cropping, depending on various factors: light, background...
noGraphics When enabled, no graphic fields will be cropped from document image. boolean false true, false
depersonalizeLog When enabled, all personal data will be forcibly removed from the logs. boolean false true, false
multiDocOnImage This option allows locating and cropping multiple documents from one image if enabled. boolean false true, false
shiftExpiryDate This option allows shifting the date of expiry into the future or past for number of months specified. This is useful, for example, in some cases when document might be still valid for some period after original expiration date to prevent negative validity status for such documents. Or by shifting the date to the past will set negative validity for the documents that is about to expire in a specified number of months. number 0 numbers > 0
minimalHolderAge This options allows specifying the minimal age in years of the document holder for the document to be considered valid. number 0 numbers > 0
mrzFormatsFilter This option allows limiting MRZ formats to be recognized by specifying them in array. string[] [] '1x30' - IDL, '3x30' - ID1, '2x36' - ID2, '2x44' - ID3, '1x6' - CAN, '2x30' - ID1 2x30
forceReadMrzBeforeLocate When enabled, make sure that in series processing MRZ is located fully inside the result document image, if present on the document. Enabling this option may add extra processing time, by disabling optimizations, but allows more stability in output image quality. boolean false true, false
parseBarcodes This option can be disabled to stop parsing after barcode is read. boolean true true, false
splitNames When enabled, the Surname and GivenNames fields will be divided into ft_First_Name, ft_Second_Name, ft_Third_Name, ft_Fourth_Name, ft_Last_Name fields. boolean false true, false
backendProcessing When enabled, it prepares the processing result to be sent to the backend for re-processing. Use service.finalizePackage(); after receiving the processing results to send them to the backend. Object {} { serviceURL: 'URL', httpHeaders: { key1: 'header1', key2: 'header2', ... } }
generateNumericCodes This parameter is used to generate numeric representation for issuing state and nationality codes. boolean false true, false

Attention! If the multipage-processing or internal-scenario attributes are set, the corresponding multipageProcessing and scenario parameters' values are ignored.


The main idea of a subscription to different events is to detect the specific state changes of the concrete component. For the convenience, the event has the same name as the component that it belongs to.

For example, the next code snippet adds the event listeners to document-reader and camera-snapshot components:

const documentReaderComponent = document.querySelector('document-reader'); 
const cameraSnapshotComponent = document.querySelector('camera-snapshot');

documentReaderComponent.addEventListener('document-reader', (event) => console.log(event.detail));
cameraSnapshotComponent.addEventListener('camera-snapshot', (event) => console.log(event.detail));

To provide the detailed information about how the event was generated and executed, the special object event.detail is generated. See event.detail object structure in the following code snippet:

  data: null,

The fields of the event.detail object: * action contains the type of action that generated the component's event. For more information, see all available action types. * data keeps the object with status of executed action and the payload. For more information, see the action data section.

Action Types

Type of action Description of the action Components and events, where present
ELEMENT_VISIBLE Component is appended in the DOM. document-reader, camera-snapshot
PRESS_CAMERA_BUTTON The "From camera" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
PRESS_FILE_BUTTON The "From gallery" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
PRESS_RETRY_BUTTON The "Retry" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
PRESS_SKIP_BUTTON The "Skip" button is pressed. document-reader
PRESS_CAPTURE_BUTTON The "Capture" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
PRESS_CHANGE_CAMERA_BUTTON The "Change camera" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
PRESS_MIRRORING_BUTTON The "Mirroring" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
NEW_PAGE_AVAILABLE The document contains another page. document-reader
NEW_PAGE_STARTED Recognition of a new page has started. document-reader
CLOSE The "Close" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
CAMERA_PROCESS_CLOSED The "Close" button is pressed on the document recognition screen. document-reader, camera-snapshot
CAMERA_PROCESS_STARTED Recognition from the camera has started. document-reader
VIDEO_STARTED Video stream started. document-reader, camera-snapshot
VIDEO_STOPPED Video stream stopped. document-reader, camera-snapshot
FILE_PROCESS_STARTED File processing has started. document-reader, camera-snapshot
PROCESS_FINISHED The component has finished its work. document-reader, camera-snapshot
SERVICE_INITIALIZED The component has started its work. document-reader

Action Data

1. In case of successful operation, the field is structured as follows:

  response: { ... },
  status: 1

If video recording is enabled:

  response: { ... },
  status: 1,
  video: Blob,        

Available fields of object: * response contains the object with resulting payload of the event's action execution. * status defines the status of event's action completion. For details, see action statuses. * video video of the document scanning process (if videoRecord setting is set).

2. In case of event's action failure, the field is structured as follows:

  status: 0

Available fields of object: * reason defines the reason of action's failure. For details, see failure reasons. * status defines the status of event's action completion. For details, see action statuses.

Action Statuses

Status Description
0 Failure
1 Success
2 Timeout

Action Failure Reasons

Reason Description of the reason
WASM_LICENSE Missing or incorrect license
FILE_SIZE The file size is too large
INCORRECT_FILE Problems with reading the file
INCORRECT_SCENARIO Scenario is not supported
MISSING_SCENARIO Scenario is missing
UNKNOWN_ERROR Unknown error
NOT_SUPPORTED The browser is not supported
CAMERA_UNKNOWN_ERROR Unknown camera error
CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED Access to the camera is prohibited
NO_CAMERA There is no camera available
INCORRECT_CAMERA_ID Camera with this ID was not found
CONNECTION_ERROR Connection errors

Event Generation Logic

The cases of event generation are described in the following table.

Event condition Event type Event object `event.detail` Description
Component is mounted in the DOM. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  action: 'ELEMENT_VISIBLE', 
  data: null,
To receive this event, you must wrap the component in another element (for example, a div) and add an addEventListener to it. When the component appears in the DOM, the event will pop up. For example:
<div id="add-event-listener-to-this-element">
"From camera" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  data: null,
"From gallery" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  action: 'PRESS_FILE_BUTTON', 
  data: null,
"Retry" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  action: 'PRESS_RETRY_BUTTON', 
  data: null,
"Skip page" button is pressed. document-reader
  action: 'PRESS_SKIP_BUTTON', 
  data: null,
This event available only in document-reader.
"Capture" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  data: null,
"Change camera" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  data: null,
"Mirroring" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  data: null,
The document contains another page. document-reader
  action: 'NEW_PAGE_AVAILABLE', 
  data: null,
This event available only in document-reader.
Recognition of a new page has started. document-reader
  action: 'NEW_PAGE_STARTED', 
  data: null,
This event available only in document-reader.
"Close" button is pressed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  action: 'CLOSE', 
  data: null,
"Close" button is pressed on the document recognition screen. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  data: null,
Recognition from the camera has started. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  data: null,
Video stream has started. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  action: 'VIDEO_STARTED', 
  data: null,
Video stream has stopped. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  action: 'VIDEO_STOPPED', 
  data: null,
File processing has started. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  data: null,
The work of the component is completed successfully. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  action: 'PROCESS_FINISHED', 
  data: {
    response: { ... },
    status: 1
The work of the component is completed by timeout. document-reader
  action: 'PROCESS_FINISHED', 
  data: {
    response: { ... },
    status: 2
This event available only in document-reader.
The work of the component failed. document-reader, camera-snapshot
  action: 'PROCESS_FINISHED', 
  data: {
    status: 0
Component is initialized and ready to work. document-reader
  data: null,
This event available only in document-reader.

Event Response

You can get the response of the component's event in the field of the event object. For example:

const component = document.querySelector('document-reader');

function listener(event) {
    if (event.detail.action === 'PROCESS_FINISHED' && === 1) {
        const response =;

component.addEventListener('document-reader', listener);

To get the results of processing of each frame, you can set the callback function as in the following example:

window.RegulaDocumentSDK.recognizeListener = (response) => console.log(response);

Settings and Attributes

There are two ways to define the element's settings: using the settings property of the JavaScript object or using attributes of the HTML tag. See the description and examples below.

  • Using settings property to configure element:

    const element = document.createElement('document-reader');
    element.settings = {
      startScreen: true,
      internalScenario: 'Locate',
      multipageProcessing: true,

  • Using attributes to configure element:

    <document-reader start-screen internal-scenario="Locate"></document-reader>

We recommend using the settings property of the element to configure its parameters. This method gives more flexibility in setup, in addition, all new parameters in the future will be available only as the settings of the object (not as HTML attributes).

See all component's settings and attributes in the following table.

Setting name Attribute name Description Data type Default value Values Available in
locale locale The language of the component interface. If empty, the language is selected from the browser settings, if it is not found, the system language is taken. string en ru, en, de, pl, it, hu, zh, sk, uk, fr, es, pt, ar, nl, id, vi, ko, ms, ro, el, tr, ja, cs, th, hi, bn, he, fi, sv, da, hr, no document-reader, camera-snapshot
internalScenario internal-scenario The component document verification scenario. string MrzAndLocate MrzAndLocate, MrzOrLocate, Mrz, Locate, Barcode, MrzOrBarcode, BarcodeAndLocate document-reader
multipageProcessing multipage-processing Whether to allow processing of two pages in cases when the component detects an ID1-sized document. Multipage processing is not triggered for documents of other formats. If true, the component asks for the second page and processes it. If false, only one page/side of the document is processed regardless the document format. boolean false true, false document-reader
startScreen start-screen Whether to show the start screen with two options for the document image uploading: From camera and From gallery. If true, the start screen is shown. If false, no start screen is shown and instead the camera of the device is turned on automatically to capture the image of the document. boolean false true, false document-reader, camera-snapshot
multipleFileInput multiple Whether to allow uploading more than one file via the file system. Can be set to true only if startScreen is true. boolean true true, false document-reader, camera-snapshot
cameraId camera-id Ability to select a camera. You can get the device ID using navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(). string undefined camera id string value document-reader, camera-snapshot
devLicense license To use the component on test environments, set the base64 license value to the license attribute. string undefined base64 license value document-reader
regulaLogo copyright Show Regula copyright footer. boolean true true, false document-reader, camera-snapshot
changeCameraButton change-camera Show the camera switch button. boolean false true, false document-reader, camera-snapshot
closeButton close-button Show the close button. boolean true true, false document-reader, camera-snapshot
captureButton capture-button Show the capture button. boolean true true, false document-reader
skipButton Show the skip button for the second page. boolean true true, false document-reader
captureMode Sets the capture mode. Mode auto - recognition starts immediately after the camera starts working. Mode captureFrame - recognition of the frame received after pressing the capture button. Mode captureVideo - recognition begins after pressing the button, pressing the button again will send the received frame for processing. string auto auto, captureVideo, captureFrame document-reader
resolution Sets the resolution of the video stream from the camera. object { width: 1920, height: 1080 } { width: number, height: number } document-reader, camera-snapshot
cameraMode Selects the front or rear camera of the device. object environment environment, user document-reader, camera-snapshot
flipFrontIcon Sets the front side of the document flip icon. You can set link (, image in base64 string (...) or imported image if you use module bundler. string undefined link to image, base64 string, imported image document-reader
flipBackIcon Sets the back side of the document flip icon. You can set link (, image in base64 string (...) or imported image if you use module bundler. string undefined link to image, base64 string, imported image document-reader
cameraFrameBorderWidth Sets the thickness of the document capture frame. number 5 any number document-reader
backgroundMaskAlpha Sets the transparency of the background outside the frame. number 0.5 from 0 to 1 document-reader
cameraFrameLandscapeAspectRatio Sets the aspect ratio of the capture frame for landscape mode. number depends on the scenario any number document-reader
cameraFramePortraitAspectRatio Sets the aspect ratio of the capture frame for portrait mode. number depends on the scenario any number document-reader
statusIcon Show status icon. boolean true true, false document-reader
statusPositionMultiplier Sets the vertical position of the status message. number undefined from 0 to 2 document-reader
cameraFrameOffsetWidth Sets the offset of the capture frame. number undefined any number document-reader
cameraFrameVerticalPositionMultiplier Sets the offset of the capture frame from the top edge. number undefined from 0 to 2 document-reader
cameraFrameShapeType Sets the capture frame shape type. string line line, corners document-reader
cameraFrameLineCap Sets the style of the end of the capture frame line when cameraFrameShapeType='corners' string butt butt, round, square document-reader
cameraFrameLineLength Sets the length of the capture frame line when cameraFrameShapeType='corners' number 5 any number document-reader
cameraFrameCornerRadius Sets the radius of rounding of the capture frame. number 15 any number document-reader
cameraFrameDefaultColor Sets the color of the capture frame. string rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9) any color string document-reader
cameraFrameActiveColor Sets the capture frame color when a document is detected. string rgba(30, 130, 76, 0.9) any color string document-reader
statusTextColor Sets the color of the text message status. string white any color string document-reader, camera-snapshot
statusBackgroundColor Sets the background color of the message status. string rgba(27, 16, 31, 0.5) any color string document-reader, camera-snapshot
cameraFrame Show the capture frame. boolean true true, false document-reader
captureButtonDelay Show the capture button after delay. number undefined any number document-reader
nonce Sets the unique nonce value to maintain the CSP policy. string undefined unique nonce value document-reader, camera-snapshot
videoRecord Sets the ability to record a video of the document scanning process. If set to true it records the entire process. You can also set the recording delay and recording duration. The video will be available in the component response. boolean or object undefined true, false, { delay: number, duration: number } document-reader
videoCaptureMotionControl Enables device shaking control. boolean false true, false document-reader

Backend reprocessing

You can send the results to the backend for further processing:

1. Set backendProcessing, serviceURL and httpHeaders (optional) in processParam:

window.RegulaDocumentSDK.recognizerProcessParam = {
  processParam: {
    backendProcessing: {
      serviceURL: 'YOUR_SERVICE_URL',
      httpHeaders: {  // you can set http headers if necessary
        key1: 'header1',
        key2: 'header2',
        key3: 'header3'
2. Send the data to the backend after receiving the processing results:
const component = document.querySelector('document-reader');

function listener(event) {
  if (event.detail.action === 'PROCESS_FINISHED' && === 1) {

component.addEventListener('document-reader', listener);

Appearance Customization

Font and Colors

Using CSS variables, you can change the font and the main colors of the components. See the table for the details.

Variable Info Default value
--font-family The font family of all text elements. If you change the font family, make sure to adjust the font size so the message on the start screen would fit the frame. Noto Sans, sans-serif
--font-size The font size for the text elements. 16px
--main-color Color for the graphic elements of the component. By default, the brand Regula violet is set. #bd7dff
--hover-color Buttons hover color. #c994ff
--active-color Buttons active color. #bd7dff

The following example demonstrates the document-reader HTML element font and color customization via the custom CSS class:


.my-custom-style {
    --font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    --main-color: green;


<document-reader class="my-custom-style"></document-reader>

Localized Messages

To change the standard component messages or any text, specify the language attribute (see locale in settings and attributes) to be used. You can select one from existing locales or add your custom one. See the following example:

const element = document.createElement('document-reader');

element.translations = {
   en: {
      fromCamera: 'Use your camera',


Note: To see the changes applied, don't forget to set the desired language to the locale attribute.

<document-reader locale="en"></document-reader>

See the following table with localized labels, used in the components.

Label Default message in en locale Used in
success Success! document-reader, camera-snapshot
fileCorrupt This file is corrupt or not supported document-reader, camera-snapshot
selectAnotherFile Please select another file document-reader, camera-snapshot
error Error! document-reader, camera-snapshot
somethingWentWrong Something went wrong document-reader, camera-snapshot
tryAgain Try again document-reader, camera-snapshot
fromCamera From camera document-reader, camera-snapshot
fromGallery From gallery document-reader, camera-snapshot
cameraUnavailable Camera unavailable! document-reader, camera-snapshot
preparingCamera Preparing the camera... document-reader, camera-snapshot
noCameraAvailable No camera available document-reader, camera-snapshot
incorrectCameraId No camera with the specified ID found. document-reader, camera-snapshot
allowAccessToCamera Allow access to the camera and reload this page to continue. document-reader, camera-snapshot
cameraConnection Make sure the camera is connected correctly. document-reader, camera-snapshot
checkCameraId Check if the specified camera ID is correct. document-reader, camera-snapshot
scanIDInBrowser Scan an ID in your browser document-reader
useYourDeviceCamera Use your device camera to scan a document or select a photo of the document from the gallery document-reader
processingFinished Processing finished. document-reader
largeFile This file is too large to be uploaded document-reader
selectSmallerFile Please select a smaller file document-reader
versionNotSupported Your browser version is not supported document-reader
updateBrowser Update your browser version document-reader
licenseError A license error has occurred document-reader
licenseExpired The license cannot be found or has expired document-reader
timeout Timeout document-reader
processing Processing... document-reader
preparingService Preparing the service... document-reader
placeDocumentIntoFrame Fit the document into the frame document-reader
noFocus No camera focus document-reader
moveCloser Move closer document-reader
glaresOnDocument Avoid glare on the document document-reader
holdDocumentStraight Hold the document straight document-reader
documentProcessing Document processing... document-reader
flipDocument Flip the document document-reader
verified Verified! document-reader
keepDeviceStill Hold the device still document-reader
positionDocumentCenter Position the document in the center camera-snapshot
photoCapturedSuccessfully The photo is captured successfully. camera-snapshot
uploadPhoto Upload a photo camera-snapshot
useCameraOrGallery Use your device camera or select a photo from the gallery camera-snapshot

Document Reader Processor

DocumentReaderProcessor manages the document image recognition and other related operations, leaving implementation of UI to you.

npm Processor Integration

Step 1. Install the package @regulaforensics/vp-frontend-document-components:

npm i @regulaforensics/vp-frontend-document-components

Step 2. Import the class DocumentReaderProcessor into your .js file.

Using module bundler:

import { DocumentReaderProcessor } from '@regulaforensics/vp-frontend-document-components';

Without module bundler:

import { DocumentReaderProcessor } from '/node_modules/@regulaforensics/vp-frontend-document-components/dist/main.js';

Step 3. Add a video tag to the .html file, then prepare and initialize DocumentReaderProcessor.

const videoElement = document.getElementById('yourVideoElement');
const processor = new DocumentReaderProcessor(videoElement);

processor.recognizerProcessParam = {
  processParam: {
    scenario: 'MrzAndLocate',
processor.imageProcessParam = {
  processParam: {
    scenario: 'MrzAndLocate',

try {
   // Variant 1 - for production environment 
   await processor.initialize(); 

   // Variant 2 - for test-only environment 
   // await processor.initialize({ license: 'BASE64_LICENSE_KEY' });  

   const result = await processor.startRecognition();


} catch (e) {

In the preceding example, the DocumentReaderProcessor object is created using the HTML element with the ID yourVideoElement. After that, processor needs to be initialized. There are two licensing variants:

1. Domain name licensing (for production environment).

To get your website domain licensed, contact our sales team.

Then asynchronously call the initialize method without parameters:

await processor.initialize();

2. Base64 license string (for test-only environment).

Convert Regula license file to the Base64 string and then asynchronously call initialize method, replacing BASE64_LICENSE_KEY with your encoded string:

await processor.initialize({ license: 'BASE64_LICENSE_KEY' });

For more information about licensing, see the Document Reader SDK Licensing page and the How to Convert a License File to BASE64 FAQ article.

CDN Processor Integration

Step 1. Connect the script to your .html file.

Use the CDN link in a format as follows:

For example:

<script src=""></script>

Note: You can find all available script versions in the corresponding section of npm, using the same link from the previous example.

Step 2. Add a video tag to the .html file, then prepare and initialize DocumentReaderProcessor.

DocumentReaderProcessor is available in the global variable window.Regula. See the following example:

const { DocumentReaderProcessor } = window.Regula;

const videoElement = document.getElementById('yourVideoElement');
const processor = new DocumentReaderProcessor(videoElement);

processor.recognizerProcessParam = {
  processParam: {
    scenario: 'MrzAndLocate',
processor.imageProcessParam = {
  processParam: {
    scenario: 'MrzAndLocate',

try {
  // Variant 1 - for production environment 
  await processor.initialize(); 

  // Variant 2 - for test-only environment 
  // await processor.initialize({ license: 'BASE64_LICENSE_KEY' });  

  const result = await processor.startRecognition(); // Result of the document recognition will be located here.


} catch (e) {

In the preceding example, the DocumentReaderProcessor object is created using the HTML element with ID yourVideoElement. After that, processor needs to be initialized with the license. There are two licensing variants:

1. Domain name licensing (for production environment).

To get your website domain licensed, contact our sales team.

Then asynchronously call the initialize method without parameters:

await processor.initialize();

2. Base64 license string (for test-only environment).

You need to convert Regula license file to the Base64 string and then asynchronously call initialize method, replacing BASE64_LICENSE_KEY with that encoded string:

await processor.initialize({ license: 'BASE64_LICENSE_KEY' });

For more information about licensing, see the Document Reader SDK Licensing page and the How to Convert a License File to BASE64 FAQ article.

Processor Methods


Initializes the DocumentReaderProcessor object. Accepts an object with a Base64 encoded license string.

Note: Base64 license string is applied only to test environments, production mode must use the domain name licensing.

await processor.initialize({ license: 'BASE64_LICENSE_KEY' });


Launches the video stream and starts recognizing the document. Returns the result of document processing.

const result = await processor.startRecognition();

startRecognition may take the callback function with the object parameter currentPage holding the data of the page currently being processed. The currentpage data fields include:

  • object with an intermediate processing result
  • currentPage.startNextPage method for starting the next page procession
  • currentPage.finishRecognition method for completing the entire process

The next example demonstrates the case, when recognition of the next page is delayed by 3 seconds (3000 ms). During this time you may ask the user to turn the document over.

async function pageListener(currentPage) {

    setTimeout(async () => {               
        await currentPage.startNextPage(); 
    }, 3000);                              

const result = await processor.startRecognition(pageListener);


Processes the image files, containing documents. Can take as a parameter a FileList or Blob array:

const file = 'FileList or Blob array';

const result = await processor.processImage(file);

Note: For more information about FileList and Blob types, see the links: FileList and Blob.


Switches to the next camera (in case there are several available).

await processor.switchCamera();


Stops the document recognition process and ends the video stream.


Processor Parameters

You can change the default settings for video streaming and document recognition.
The settings must be set before the document recognition process starts.


The video stream parameters.

processor.streamParam = {
   cameraMode: 'environment', 
   preferredCameraId: '',
   resolution: {
     width: 1280,
     height: 720, 

Available streaming parameters:

  • cameraMode
    Camera facing mode. Can have values of 'environment' (by default) or 'user'.
  • preferredCameraId
    ID of the concrete camera to be used for the streaming. Can be extracted from navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(). Not set by default.
  • resolution
    Resolution of a video stream. 1280 x 720 by default.


The parameters for recognizing a document from the camera (by the startRecognition method). See the following example with several parameters and their default values:

processor.recognizerProcessParam = {
   processParam: {
      returnUncroppedImage: true,
      returnPackageForReprocess: false,

For more information, see the list of all available document processing params.


The settings for recognizing an image as a document file (by processImage method). See the following example with several parameters and their default values:

// Default settings:
processor.imageProcessParam = {
   processParam: {
      returnUncroppedImage: true,
      returnPackageForReprocess: false,

For more information, see the list of all available document processing params.


The callback function that takes as a parameter the processing result for each frame (response).
See the following example, where the processing result for each frame is logged to the console:

function listener(response) {

processor.recognizeListener = listener;

Note: The listener for image recognizer is not set by default.


The HTML element to display the video stream from the camera. This setting changes the video element that was defined during processor object construction new DocumentReaderProcessor(videoElement). See the example:

const videoElement = document.getElementById('HTMLVideoElement');

processor.videoElement = videoElement; // null by default

By default, processor.videoElement has null value.


Read-only property. true if the processor has been initialized.



Read-only property. true if document recognition is still in progress.


Package Resources

Document reader requires WASM (ProcMgr.wasm, and worker (ProcMgr.worker.js) files to work. By default, these files are downloaded from Regula servers, but you can set your own source.

1. To download these files from our server to local machine, you can get the link in the window.RegulaDocumentSDK.workerPath field.

2. Then, in the ProcMgr.worker.js file, use the search to find and replace the full link with your custom URL. Upload all three files (ProcMgr.worker.js, ProcMgr.wasm, to the location you specified. Also, change the address in windows.RegulaDocumentSDK.

For Predefined UI Components:

window.RegulaDocumentSDK.workerPath = '';

For Document Reader Processor:

const processor = new DocumentReaderProcessor(videoElement); 
processor.workerPath = '';

In the given examples, change the workerPath parameter value to your custom source URL.

Attention! The files must be located in the same directory and have the same names as were previously specified.

Potential Problems

UI components and SDK use the getUserMedia method to display the video stream from the camera. This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS).


You can see the examples of using the components on the Samples page.

Additional Resources

The Document Reader web components are also available on Storybook.


How do I collect logs?

Logging can be helpful when you run into any issues. Logs contain information about how you use our products. That data helps Regula stuff to analyze and troubleshoot the cases you may experience.

There are two ways to output logs: console or function callback.


To initiate the process of logs collecting:

1. Open the Developer menu in your browser.

2. Go to the Console tab.

3. In Console, enter the following line:

localStorage.logger = 'main,wasm>console'

4. Reload the page.

5. Add the log setting to the processParam if you want to see logs from WASM:

  "processParam": {
    "log": true

6. Start image processing. Logs will be displayed in Console.

Function callback

1. Import logging service from library.

import { Logger } from '@regulaforensics/vp-frontend-document-components';

2. Set the callback function.

Logger.logListener = (log) => {
    // ...
    // do something with log
    // ...

3. Add the log setting to the processParam if you want to see logs from WASM:

  "processParam": {
    "log": true