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Installation using Docker

We distribute our container images via the following container registries:

Images are Red Hat Certified and fully identical. The docreader image is based on the official ubi9-minimal image, maintained by Red Hat. The image is configured to be run as an arbitrarily assigned UID (OpenShift-ready).

Supported Version Tags

  • A.B.C.D — stable release build
  • A.B.C.D-develop — release candidate build
  • nightly — nightly build for development purposes, must never be used in production

To obtain the latest SDK / document database / service wrapper version, pull the container image with the newest tag version according to the above-mentioned description.

For more information about versioning of the Document Reader SDK, please see Getting Started.


1. Install Docker Desktop for your OS following the link:

2. Start the Docker Desktop application.

3. Pull the Document Reader image to the local machine from one of the available distribution channels:

docker pull regulaforensics/docreader:latest
docker pull regulaforensics/docreader:latest
docker pull regulaforensics/docreader:latest

4. Put the license file to your OS home directory:


5. Open the Command line and run the following command:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v C:\%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\regula.license:/app/extBin/unix/regula.license regulaforensics/docreader:latest
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v ~/regula.license:/app/extBin/unix/regula.license regulaforensics/docreader:latest
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v ~/regula.license:/app/extBin/unix/regula.license regulaforensics/docreader:latest


Be aware of potential issues when sharing a single file with a Docker container on Linux or macOS. Always specify either the absolute or relative path to the license file. For example, use -v $(pwd)/regula.license or -v /regula.license. If you specify only the filename, Docker will search for the file in your $PATH, and if not found, the empty directory will be created.

Alternatively, you can pass the license as Base64 string, rather than using the path to the license file. See the following page.

6. To make sure that the service is up and running, check the http://localhost:8080 address in a web browser.

Video Tutorial


Does Docker Desktop support Windows Server?

Docker Desktop doesn't support Windows Server version installation. See the corresponding reference in the Docker documentation.

How to convert the license file to base64 format?

Have a look at the Regula Help Center article How to convert a license file to Base64 .

How to open Command Line / Terminal?

Press the WIN key, type cmd, and press Enter.

Press the Ctrl + Alt + T key combination.

Have a look at the Apple's Terminal User Guide.