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To save the processing results logs, liveness assessment data (if using the Liveness module), and identification binary data (if using the Identification module), you need to configure storage. For a detailed guide on setting up storage, see Configuration.

The supported storage options are the following:


You can find more information about each cloud storage type by navigating to the following links: Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, AWS S3.

For access management, we support Workload Identity Federation; see links with configuration instructions in the table below.

Storage Configuration instructions
Azure Blob Storage Azure AD Workload Identity Documentation

Support Azure Workload Identities
Google Cloud Storage Authenticate to Google Cloud APIs from GKE workloads
AWS S3 EKS Pod Identities

IAM roles for service accounts

File System (FS)

Note that if you use Network file storage, you need to mount them as local drives.

Azure Blob Storage

To authenticate and access Azure Storage in your application, you can use one of the following authentication methods.

  • Standard authentication via environment variables: Refer to the official Azure documentation for instructions.
  • When running in an Azure environment and assigned the appropriate role with Azure Storage access rights, authentication is enabled.


Both methods described above require the storage account to be specified in the field.

  • Alternatively, you can authenticate to Azure Storage using a connection string that should be set in The connection string contains the necessary information to establish a connection to the storage account. Here's an example of a connection string:
      type: az
        storageAccount: <AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT>
        connectionString: "<DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=devstoreaccount1;AccountKey=lkschfs7lkfhdyhcbdsk548weksdhc4ksdjvg473239orhfsdjfhsd7kfhfkue/C2RTGHYPui/LPSBnksoMKGw==;BlobEndpoint=http://{hosts['azure']}:10000/devstoreaccount1;>"

Make sure to replace {hosts['azure']} in the connection string with the appropriate hostname or IP address of your Azure Storage account.

You can find the connection string in the Access keys section of your Azure Storage account:

Google Cloud Storage

To enable Google Cloud Storage, follow the official Google documentation.


For the required Google Cloud Platform permissions, see the table below.

Bucket permission name Description
storage.buckets.get Read bucket metadata, excluding IAM policies, and list or read the Pub/Sub notification configurations on a bucket.
storage.objects.create Add new objects to a bucket.
storage.objects.delete Delete objects.
storage.objects.get Read object data and metadata, excluding ACLs.
storage.objects.list List objects in a bucket. Also read object metadata, excluding ACLs, when listing.
storage.objects.update Update object metadata, excluding ACLs. Also read object metadata, excluding ACLs, when updating.

Descriptions are taken from the IAM permissions for Cloud Storage article.


To authenticate and access AWS S3 storage in your application, you can configure it using one of the following methods:

Note that MinIO storage is utilized for on-premises installations within our containers. It is compatible with AWS S3 and is configured in the same way.


The following permissions are required:

  • s3:PutObject
  • s3:PutObjectAcl
  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:GetObjectAcl
  • s3:DeleteObject
  • s3:ListObjects

Here is an S3 policy example:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Action": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Resource": [
                "Action": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Resource": [