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React Native

This is a React Native-specific Face SDK installation guide. Before proceeding further, make sure you've read the Installation page and have selected the Core type to install.


  • For iOS, the minimum target is iOS 11.0
  • For Android, the minimum Android API level is 21


The Face SDK is available on npm.

1. Run the following command to add the SDK to the project:

npm install @regulaforensics/react-native-face-api
npm install @regulaforensics/react-native-face-core-basic
npm install @regulaforensics/react-native-face-api
npm install @regulaforensics/react-native-face-core-match

2. Add the following configuration into android section of your android/app/build.gradle:

    aaptOptions {
        noCompress "Regula/faceSdkResource.dat"

Android permisions

Most likely You will need to add internet permission(except some rare cases). Permissions are added to the top section of android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml like this:

<manifest xmlns:android="">
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Import the Face SDK

You should now be able to import face_api:

import FaceSDK from '@regulaforensics/react-native-face-api';


You can always use our demo application on GitHub.

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