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Custom Params

Set a custom JSON that should be processed along with other process params:

// allows you to depersonalize the document's data
let data = [["allTextFields": true], ["allGraphicFields": true]]
DocReader.shared.processParams.customParams = ["dePersonalize": data]

// set the maximum DPI for an output image (if set to zero, the image is not resized):
DocReader.shared.processParams.customParams = ["imageDpiOutMax": 0]
// allows you to depersonalize the document's data
NSArray *data = @[@{@"allTextFields": @YES}, @{@"allGraphicFields": @YES}];
[RGLDocReader shared].processParams.customParams = @{@"dePersonalize": data};

// set the maximum DPI for an output image (if set to zero, the image is not resized):
[RGLDocReader shared].processParams.customParams = @{@"imageDpiOutMax": @0};
// allows you to depersonalize the document's data
DocumentReader.Instance().processParams().customParams = JSONObject("{\"dePersonalize\":[{\"allTextFields\":true},{\"allGraphicFields\":true}]}")

// allows you to set the maximum DPI for an output image (if set to zero, an image won't be resized):
DocumentReader.Instance().processParams().customParams = JSONObject("{\"imageDpiOutMax\":0}")
// allows you to depersonalize the document's data
DocumentReader.Instance().processParams().customParams = new JSONObject("{\"dePersonalize\":[{\"allTextFields\":true},{\"allGraphicFields\":true}]}");

// allows you to set the maximum DPI for an output image (if set to zero, an image won't be resized):
DocumentReader.Instance().processParams().customParams = new JSONObject("{\"imageDpiOutMax\":0}");
// allows you to depersonalize the document's data
DocumentReader.instance.processParams.customParams = {
  "dePersonalize": [
    {"allTextFields": true},
    {"allGraphicFields": true}
// allows you to depersonalize the document's data
    customParams: { "dePersonalize": [{ "allTextFields": true }, { "allGraphicFields": true }] }
}, (str) => { console.log(str) }, (error) => { console.log(error) });
// allows you to depersonalize the document's data
    customParams: { "dePersonalize": [{ "allTextFields": true }, { "allGraphicFields": true }] }
// allows you to depersonalize the document's data
    customParams: { "dePersonalize": [{ "allTextFields": true }, { "allGraphicFields": true }] }
}, function (m) { }, function (e) { console.log(e); });
// allows you to depersonalize the document's data

// Android
DocumentReader.Instance().ProcessParams().CustomParams = new Org.Json.JSONObject("{\"dePersonalize\":[{\"allTextFields\":true},{\"allGraphicFields\":true}]}");

// iOS
var dict1 = new NSDictionary("allTextFields", true);
var dict2 = new NSDictionary("allGraphicFields", true);
var data = NSArray.FromObjects(dict1, dict2);
RGLDocReader.Shared.ProcessParams.CustomParams = new NSDictionary("dePersonalize", data);

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